Is RedLetterMedia the spiritual successor of OandA?

7  2017-08-22 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Nothing I've experienced since the dissolution of OandA fits the aesthetic better.


I like that they give even-handed reviews of movies, rather than trying for pure snarkiness.

The Red Letter guys come off as fundamentally goodhearted and reasonable. I can't think of anything further from any era of O&A. They're also hard-working.

You're right. I actually feel bad for comparing them to O and A now.

2 fanfucks that rely on .jpgs to make jokes


No, but they do make good videos

Just because you like 2 different things doesn't make those things similar. I like beet chutney with pan fried salmon and Twin Peak - this does not make them close to each other in any sense.

Beet chutney with pan fried salmon? Can you DM me a recipe for that?


Love it or hate it, Redbar is. I used to defend him here but I'm bored of him so whatever but he is like a full time jocktober.


That guy who started the podcast with Joe Rogan.

Is RLM replacing O&A?

That bald guy with the glasses is the closest thing they have to an Opie.

lol no

Any time an article starts with a question you can guarantee the answer is no. Can't remember the name of the time.

Well they both have a lovable lad named Rich
