Potential co-hosts for Opie 1/1

190  2017-08-22 by bosstop3837


still funnier than the cuban or the meat salesman

simple, yet effective, brothaman.

His last words will be, Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! God. You're on the air...

(Jumps off stool)

(Ceiling joist creeks)


He will curse the HATERRRRSSS with his last breath.

Hey what's up Opie, hey i just want to ask jim norton something real quick, what did you do with the $60,000 you stole from the fans for that shitty chip chipperson cartoon?

Which is the pink and which is the stink?

If it smells like fish it's a dish, my son. If it's brown, go to town.


I got the purgatory! I got the purgatory!

That would be nice, but this fat-titted imbecile would end up spending forty minutes looking up noose-tying videos on YouTube (on air if possible) and then get distracted by a video on fishing line tying techniques

As long as he avoid the knotting videos he should be good.

How fucking great would it be for this sub and people around him if a video would pop up of him taking it up the ass by a dog with a huge peckah.

As long as it ended as a snuff film with only the dog walking away.

How about R. Budd Dwyer and a shotgun with a toe attachment. These are still relevant jokes in 2017, right? Amy, you've got my back? Amy?

I giggled.

little on the nose don't you think?

Someone mentioned Jackie the Jokeman doing a show with Opie and the more I think about it, the more I think it might actually be a good show. 2 miserable old men who can't take any responsibility for their own actions and have to pretend everything is a joke to make it go away. It would be awkward, dark, and probably pretty funny.

Two awful nicknames duking it out

I was hoping for the Opie, Bathtub and Toaster Show.

Perfect thread.

More of a hanger-on than a ca-host


Great use of a 'Collin laugh'

Wouldn't it be something if opie died before fez

'SPUDS BUCKLEY' was here

"I'm scared and I don't want to be here anymore"


We all know its gonna be Sherrod with Carl as special guest. Not sure why Opie feels like this is a secret.

Ropie and Anthony, the duo we never knew we always wanted