Why does one of arties nostrils look like its caved in and disappearing?

5  2017-08-22 by juanwayne

He truly looks like my Nana on her death bed



his claim is that he was snorting oxys with a girl and she broke up the pills with a salt shaker and he snorted glass. i think the more likely reason is a cumulative effect of snorting drugs for decades.

He just crawled out from under the house on Neiboldt Street.

Hey dawg for real though he looks just like my addict uncle who died of a massive heart attack at 50, same fat face, thin whispy spider web hair and everything...

Thanks for the info fam. The funniest thing he did the entire episode was accidentally spill water on himself.

It looks and sounds like a hand grenade went off in his nose. He said it was from snorting glass (literal glass, not crystal meth). This sounds like something he may have hallucinated in a drug-addled stupor. Doesn't seem possible to snort a salt shaker.

Most likely all the cocaine and heroin snorting.

Look up a guy named Stu Ungar and find pictures of him right before he died. Same effect. Years of intranasal street (impure) drugs will destroy your septum and cartilage.

What a stupid fucking question. Drugs BRUH drugs

Yeah well youre stupid!

Your nana did coke?

No, she was just a fatso with thin curly guinea hair.

Doc tell us more.