I fucking hate comedy

62  2017-08-22 by JMueller2012


That's a fawwwkin good one

Lol. Fawking genius!

Dis guy's good.

No longer loffing; linger, it rings hollow.

I unironically smiled at that

Word. I thought it was funny.

No you didn't.

That face makes me shiver

So brave to be a transgender man doing stand up

He earned a plug from the Chippa


I know there are people, like my best friends, who would have gotten out of there the minute a comic said a joke like this. But I didn't. I got to admit the truth. It turned me on.

Back in my day, we all had hack jokes. It was no big deal

One day, some kids from the neighborhood laughed at my hack joke. You wanna know why? Out of respect.

Vinny, don't put too many applause breaks in the sauce!

As far back as I could I remember, I wanted to be a hack comic.

Now go home & get your fuckin' joke book

When Norton talks about comedy or his faggy process it makes you want to shit on a kids face. He's so horrible at it and pretends he's an expert, but still floats off O&A fumes... fag ass elderly nigger faggot.

Looks like he supports black lives matter by letting his wife be enriched by a nigger.

Gay, but I've seen so much worse rise to the top on that dumpster of a subreddit

You don't like Vos plugs?

The Laugh Factory is hack ground zero.

I hope someone Cotters his fucking head off.

(((this is as cutting edge as it gets in the new pc / sjw wacky world of mirth-he needs a vag so he can do "muh vagina" hummah or be an oppressed person that can do edgy hate whitey "jokes"..)))

Honest question; do these people submit these themselves, or do people who heard their jokes do it?

I love comedy, I just haven't seen any in about 20 years.

You should also hate whatever this is

Never trust or even pay any attention to any human who does the Dreamworks smile in their natural lineup of facial expressions.

He did that joke at the Laugh Factory? Ouch.

Michael Richards set there was funnier.