Too bad she couldn't save moms

30  2017-08-21 by RBuddCumia


He's affirming an article written about him

who is he trying to convince?

LAPD, DOJ, California legislature...

All deep state covering for him.

She told him daddy stop being a faggot.

She was the one calling the shots to get the mom out of the picture.

He announced his engagement on the one year anniversary of his wife's death. Why does no one other than the people in this sub find that suspicious?

And she looks like the dead wife. It's hella creepy.

It's also very creepy.

OJ is gonna be best man. Source:black twitter

Wait so he was deviated by his wife's death, one year later he's engaged ? What the fuck

He was posting weeks after her death that he was in therapy and they talked the whole time about how scared of (then candidate) Trump he was, and the "therapist" told him some people are prey and some are predators, and Trump is super scary.

A few weeks after the love of his life dies, he is virtue signaling about his therapy sessions about mean cheeto bandito where he retells the plot of zootopia.

He killed his wife, he was already seeing the new creepy girlfriend and they gave his bride a killer cocktail to get her out of the way.


He's rich and influential in Hollywood.

Girls throw it at him, he decided to lock one down.

Even if he's innocent (it's not) you have to move on, and sooner better than later. If you date within the first few months of a divorce, you're much less likely to end up some pathetic sad sack.

Patton hated his wife, but he never would hurt his kid! He just wouldn't....

Just imagine the intense jealousy from Patton when the new wife starts giving the kid more attention..

did he dump loads in her to stave off the urges to drink

but it did not stop him from being a leftist bore....

Too bad she couldn't save her mother

I feel like I heard that one somewhere before...hmmmm

Speaking of substance abuse. What was wrong with his wife that she was taking that cocktail of drugs?

Being codependent on your young daughter who already lost her mom is not something to be proud of.

And she looks like the dead wife. It's hella creepy.

OJ is gonna be best man. Source:black twitter