Anthony's new cohost is Gregg 'Opie' Hughes!

1  2017-08-21 by Suibu



would be better than fucking artie. Even tho i can't stand opie

while breast cancer is nothing to joke about, Tits would at least make it a year.

well who knows, artie used to be really good on the stern show, so he has it in him, it would be a good show if artie reverts back to his old self.

You mean relapses back to his old self, right?

Th That's terrible I'm sorry

Can we discuss your swift and painful death instead?

Yes... yes you may

i was just about to surrender to firefighters on the golden gate bridge....NOW I REALLY AM GOING TO JUMP!!!!

I'm not watching live and just started, but why didn't the ultimate man of mystery make a video for that stupid "I'm the new co-host" bit? Seems like an Opie bit to me.