Artie late to his FIRST show

86  2017-08-21 by iamnotopieradio

This is not a good sign


Hey Gar

The air conditioner strikes again.

thats actually a good sign, it would be even better if he did not show up. Artie is just horribly unfunny. He's been that way since the suicide attemps.

I'd still prefer half dead Artie over a 2 hour race tirade by a high school dropout who believes he's a thinker. At least Artie knows he's a retard.

yeah, DiPaolo thinks he knows everything. Still can't stand the new and improved, nasal, fast talking, always telling the same stupid stories, doing his stupid act during radio appearances, artie lange.

Hey! I know that Anthony's retarded too

Artie or sam roberts for cohost what would you pick

Its too bad we cant have ant and jim... yimmy is too scared he wouldnt be able to pull people to his comedy shows without sxms audience.

Sam and Jim is still infinity times better than Opie and Jim.

Artie and Ant is still infinity times better than Ant and his thoughts.

But yeah Ant & Jim is the obvious best case scenario.

Ol' Oscar Optimism over here.

0 = 0. You cant be infinity times better than anything when you are both nill.


Give him credit..he does repeat the same 4 stories very well.

Might need a well-being check at his apt

Could you imagine if that's the case?

It's also possible that these morons are actually waiting on Rich and Bob Kelly to roll him out from the "green room".

Couple of jealous fucks. That's what they are

He couldn't relate this science talk to tell the story of the time he gave 50 Cent the creeps so he's hanging in the back.

I'm more disappointed that Bobby and Rich Vos aren't coming because they are "taping shows".

Time flies when you're chugging bleach and stabbing yourself.

Holy shit, that's how he did it?

You got to give him credit, he had some balls. Or was on some good drugs.

yeah Artie is no pussy, I'll give him that much. He basically tried to off himself like a Japanese general who lost a battle. Velly honolaber, Altie Range.


the guy has done mountains of coke and heroin stab himself and drink bleach. he's fine.

I'm worried everytime i eat a carb.


He was filming something

That's too good of a card to be used on the first late show.

super-producer keith scheduled the "big announcement show" for the same time artie had a TV shoot scheduled? well, actually, after seeing the production of today's show, i do believe keith is that bad at his job.


I'm going to stop beating around the sugarbush, get down to brass tacks, and just say what we're all thinking: the opportunity to work with Anthony is the EXACT tonic Dr. Sobriety would prescribe to keep Artie on the straight, clean, and narrow.

Two drunks don't make a right.

too bad one of them isn't a woman so they could just fuck and get it over with

Two wops don't make a white.

no, but they do make a left into school children crossing the street

DId we expect anything else? Artie is not know for his professional attitude or his punctual nature.

This is the Tommy Wisso method. Genius

Getting Artie now is like the Knicks signing John Starks to a 2 year contract at age 48.

Very great reference who's that Patrick nigger again

yeah, DiPaolo thinks he knows everything. Still can't stand the new and improved, nasal, fast talking, always telling the same stupid stories, doing his stupid act during radio appearances, artie lange.

The air conditioner strikes again.

Hey! I know that Anthony's retarded too

0 = 0. You cant be infinity times better than anything when you are both nill.
