The transformation of Sam Roberts. Whose to blame?

60  2017-08-21 by ricswrangler


thats brutal...time to suck start that 9mm Sammy

dat hairline in the last one. So this is what those WWE fans were so appalled by on Twitter...

Right, no way they were appalled by his profound broadcasting skills.

Time has not been kind to Mrs. Roberts.

He never looked good though. It's mostly been different degrees of bad over time.

Going forward or backwards.

Time is a flat circle.

Pizza-Face Sam straightened his hair... That's not a very masculine thing to do.

He was dating a black so he got a perm.

Closest he got to normal though.

Does that queeb wear colored contacts? His eyes are brown in the older photos and blue in the newer ones.

Top right isn't actually him

I would've thought top left. That child appears to be white.

His eyes are utterly joyless now.

He doesn't deserve any joy

Tyson Chicken Products and the unnatural flavorings of Squirt soda are to blame.

And genetics. Mainly genetics.


Jesus Christ.

Fuck, I missed it. Thanks for pointing this out. Dick.

He looks good in the third picture.

Go touch his dick

Can I?

If you can find that sad little fella

You're gay and there's nothing wrong with that, Travis. We'll always love you no matter what.

Why don't you marry him?

Dead serious.. is that really Sam at age 21??

21 and 3 months

The growth hormones even turned his eye color blue...

  • who's

Truly an abhorrent transformation

Is this real?

He had his pee-pee hole fixed because piss would build up and his skin would blow up like a balloon. Also, he was given human growth hormones because...well, look at him at 21.

He was on that nickelodeon show pre high at like age 15 and looked identical to that boy scout pic. He was probably 4 ft tall.

Garbage Pail Kid.

Surgery is preformed? Tee hee!

You're never to blame~

That top right picture goes beyond any insult I can give, I'm retiring from this sub.... like how Sam hopefully will from radio

I thought it was an ugly wayward mulatto girl that nobody could possibly love. Kinda wasn't wrong.

I am simply not there

One of the worst pictures of Sam is the top right in the subreddits header pic.

He looks like a Neanderthal. But I read somewhere that black people don't have Neanderthal genes like white people do so he's just a freak.

His mother is rumored to be a racemixer.

I'm 99% sure Sam was a virgin until he met his wife.

100% sure he still is.

I blame the chicken nugget diet tbh

I... I don't know what I'm looking at

What the fuck is wrong with his wife? That's the real question. Those genes should have never been allowed to be passed on.

She really has some weird molestation issues or something. Nobody would even go on a second date with a cheap, broke, short, frail, skinny fat, jewfroed, chicken nugget wrestling faggot who is still babied by his mommy.

"Penis surgery is preformed..."



In the last photo it looks like this guy needs an integrity transplant ... sniff

100% sure he still is.