Feminist Allies: Then & Now

58  2017-08-21 by EncinoEscobar


They left out the time Anita Sarkeesian had a child molester moderate her chatrooms.


Only an autist could create a graphic like that with fifteen red arrows over screenshots of random sites. These SJWs had no idea the level of dedication the people they were fighting had.

Sarkeesian's mad sexy though.

Is she?

Wow, one of the most outspoken guys in Hollywood, Mr. Nerd Girl Power, has a closet of so many skeletons it looks like high school science class storage space.

I'm not even that anti-feminist, but I'm sure as hell amused by this.

Bad (or sick) guys!

Feminism is a society wide shit-test

Women act as bad as you let them


The most vocal feminist I know was literally married to a Nazi. He didn't hide it; he even had swastika tattoos.

I've noticed a strong correlation between feminists and girls who didn't have a father around. Basically they have daddy issues.

The most vocal feminist I know was literally married to a Nazi. He didn't hide it; he even had swastika tattoos.

I've noticed a strong correlation between feminists and girls who didn't have a father around. Basically they have daddy issues.

These tumblrina feminists are also some of the most sexually deviant girls around too. And since most fetishes are a result of some poor parenting it probably has to do with daddy issues too.

Where is black phillip when you need him?:(

Hes right but he's leaving out the reason why that it is...

It's a a shit test that's a lot more difficult to pass when Stepping in and using physical force to set boundaries on their behavior is not only taboo but criminal even though they are craving it. They act like a modern child in public who knows no matter how or a little prick they act like there will be no real consequences to their actions.

Like amy woman is going to take orders from the losers here. Take a video camera and test your hypothesis irl.

wtf, I wanna be a femnist now :):)

They all have (shitty) beards.

Male Feminists always have shady sex stuff going on

and they are complete fags

Just like the religious right and fagging around. The more you advocate against or fight for something, the more likely you are to be guilty as sin of that exact behavior.

Curious to learn what skeletons are in our standup robot Vice President's closet. If you're such a kept man that you refuse to even be alone in a room with another woman, you have to rape some puppies in your spare time or something.

He wants to rid the world of faggotry, a noble cause, and for that, he must be gay?

This is all very shocking.

Nice try but you aren't going to make me like these guys.

Video games are for children and niggers.

Then I'm Sam Roberts.

I'm pretty sure Jamie Kilstein's life was absolutely ruined. He dropped off the face of the earth. No social media posts, no gigs, no nothing since February when his ex accused him of "being creepy." We still have no idea what the fuck he even did. Don't get me wrong, I hate the guy, but I'm suspicious of these accusations. Although he had it coming with the company he kept.

He invited someone bavk to his place. The fembots who work with his ex all decided it was inappropriate behaviour.

I believe there was something like he had sex with a woman. And the sex was 100% consensual. The woman doesn't deny that. But she says because he was a "celebrity" that she looked up too, and because she was molested as a child. She was vulnerable and he took advantage of her by having consensual sex with her. It's insane.

Not surprising that the men who defended definitions of "rape" and "sexual assault" totally disconnected from reality would get burned by these very same rules.

This is why they are a bad idea. You can improve how courts and media deal with sexual assault cases without trying to make every man a "woman hating rapist" in the process.

This is why they always have such a backlash. Far left groups start with some (somewhat) real social issues then proceed to ruin any chance of normal people supporting them by taking it way too far.

Lol, that Matt Hickey guy used to come to the bar where I watch football. I was wondering why he stopped showing up.

Raping is a time consuming hobby.

You can improve how courts and media deal with sexual assault without trying to make every man a "woman hating rapist" in the process.

This is why these far left groups always have such a backlash whenever they do anything. They start with some (somewhat) real social issues then proceed to ruin any chance of normal people supporting them by taking it into batshit crazy territory.

this is the same guy that poured coffee on my water filtration salesman,Alex

Just a train fulla silly geese