List of weirdest posters on the sub...

5  2017-08-21 by OpieHasTits

Somebody brought up Paterson Nightly and it got me wondering if anybody could name some of the other people who've managed to stand out amongst the already fucked up retards who post here.


u/OpieHasTits comes to mind

Me, Andrewjacksonjihadi, uh knickuhs.

A least interesting list.

I'm probably the best poster on this sub. I'm either completely hated or absolutely loved, there is no middle ground and that is what makes me amazing.

Who the fuck is you?

Thenigisup. This subs Golden boy.

No you're not. Nig would log on for 18 hours straight and post nothing but faggot shit.

I know you are trying to reignite our "rivalry" but I'm looking forward now not at the losers in my rearview.

I never had a rivalry with Nig. It was a one-sided bashing that ended with him deleting his account. I know you're not Nig because his comebacks are way better than that.

Just like your r/jokes posts you aren't very good at trolling

Hmm. I actually don't believe you are well-known or remarkable in any distinguishable way. But keep workin' at it, champ!

I'm in the middle. You're funny but you tried unsuccessfully to steal my little Joyomi away from me. That was a dick move.

Fuck him, I was gonna take him to the top but he's a buster ass bitch.

I make sure he knows his place.

Nailed it, special mention to AsianAnalParty

There was that guy who freaked out and tried to doxx people when everyone found out he was dating a trans girl.

Yeah, that guy is an odd duck.

He was good with a knife, though.

With a bite

Yeah that sucked lol


Pat Battle and that fucking spastic who thinks he's a wizard that always posts his stupid rap songs...

Those faggots from r/islam that are ALWAYS brigading us are pretty weird.

hmm ... that's not like them at all

Yeah they typically use trucks to down vote people these days.

Its a good thing they cant drive cars through here

The guy that used to tell people to come fight him, and posted bogus coordinates? Weird, but more of a entertaining kind of weird. Shitposting, really

90°N 0°W

Like a dumbass I actually showed up

yeah?did ya?

How long did you wait there before you realized they were bogus?

my favorite was the guy whos life was so awesome its our fault for not believing it. made it cool to like wrestling and had a awesome chic.

not sure if he posted here but whoever bought that ghostbusters trap, used it for a film then got busted when he tried to return it for full credit.

Is it sad I know who both of those folks you mentioned are

DocMcCoy is his username I talk shit about him a lot.

PureGreekFire. He believed Anthony spoke to him in dreams and was a prophet. Then again he always wanted to deliver a message to Ant about impending doom... So I guess he was half right.

Then there was Benjamin72 who had over 10 alts, was obsessed with Ant's heart attack, and then doxxed Danny.

The guy that jizzes on everything

TheNigIsUp or whatever his backwards shit alt account is now named. He dislikes anglos and jews - great man

hmm ... that's not like them at all

Its a good thing they cant drive cars through here