Early/mid 90's Howard Stern was hilarious.

0  2017-08-21 by [deleted]



So were his first 5 years on Sirius.

You're just figuring this out? He not what he once was but his show is still more consistently entertaining than anything on radio, satellite radio & most podcasts.

It's unlistenable now.

Still a million times better than anything on Ants compound or Sam & Jim's shot show.


You're delusional. The Stern show died in 2012 when it became celebrity interview orientated. I dunno, maybe you like hearing Howard compliment Ellen on her dancing..

Aside from the Eric the midget stuff, the shoe died for me in 2005. But everything before that was genuinely amazing radio.

You clearly never listen anymore, even today Howard's show is better than the last 2 years of O&A & everything all those from the show went on to do. Howard's show can be annoying sometimes but nothing as bad as Sam & Jim or Ants shitty shows which all are truely unlistenable.

You're the only one comparing it to other shows. If it's better than another shit show it's still shit.

Stop jumping to conclusions sir. I still listen to Stern. Been listening to him for over 20 years. These days I skip over a lot of the show. Sure there have been a few funny moments (Memet's meltdown/ragging on Ronnie from the other day) C'mon be honest. it's no where near as good as it was. Let me guess, you a fan of Priest and Boy?

I hate Priest & Boy & prerecorded bits. About half the interviews suck now too but like u I still listen because there is still some good stuff unlike most of the shows that exist today.

It was all funny until Artie jumped off the GWB

Look up his 'Vietnam Stories" . Some of the funniest shit I've ever heard

It's depressing to hear Stern today. He was so fucking good back in the day. It's been said a million times before, but he's become everything he hated.

My favorite Howard Stern interview is with Rich Cronin, he was in a 90's boy band and his stories were creepy/hilarious. He had some obese manager named Lou who wanted to have gay sex with him

You're the only one comparing it to other shows. If it's better than another shit show it's still shit.

Stop jumping to conclusions sir. I still listen to Stern. Been listening to him for over 20 years. These days I skip over a lot of the show. Sure there have been a few funny moments (Memet's meltdown/ragging on Ronnie from the other day) C'mon be honest. it's no where near as good as it was. Let me guess, you a fan of Priest and Boy?