My nigga Jerry Lewis croaked at 91

35  2017-08-20 by DoubleGunsSockCucka


its a good thing the writer went out of their way to call him, cranky, and point out he used racial material. Oh dont forget to make sure the reader knows he was right wing

people in the 50s were less sensitive on race? shocking

They had the nerve to put all that crap right at the beginning too! Like him or not, the guy had an amazing career that lasted seven decades...but let's start the obituary by noting that he said some un-PC stuff in his 80s and 90s, that's what really matters.

The guy was horriblely unfunny & annoying so I don't care what negative things are written about this hack.

a right-winger made it in Hollyjew?

If you really work hard you can overcome your oppression by the big scary Jew.

He was a right-wing Jew. As long as they do charity work, they're fine in Hollywood - see Jerry Bruckheimer.

That's so fucking infuriating. Fucking people.

By all accounts, he was a complete asshole. RIP.

Weird to read your own epitaph while still alive

I think that one would suit a good number of us.

His last interview he gave where he was a complete and utter cunt pretty much solidified the point. One of my favorite interviews by the way.

ya kiddin

Why must the good die so young?


nice LADY

thank ya nice lady

I admire any man who was that open about being an insufferable prick. RIP.

Oh no! I loved "Great Balls of Fire"

"What?!? 'Ya gonna do it all day?!"

Sweet! This mean we're finally getting that 'clown in a concentration camp' movie hes had locked away in his vault for 50 years?

He submitted the film to The Library of Congress in 2015 and said to not release it until a decade later. If only a math wiz with Tits could chime in to let us know the date!

The library should have just been like "totally jerr" and then release it literally tomorrow.


"and how's your son, the illiterate fa- nevermind." One of the best bloopers ever

The day the laughter's blood test came back negative.

Can we finally see that movie where he's a clown marching Jewish kids to a gas chamber in Germany?

He should be the first man to win an oscar posthumously.

Auschwitz Fritz

There has never been a more irritating, annoying & unfunny comedian in the history of comedy.

legacy also includes more than $2.5 billion raised for the Muscular Dystrophy Association


Now we wait for Pat Cooper to bite it.

He will never die.

I hope he gets CANCER, he should only get cancer!

Jerry died when Deano left his side

I could swear I remember seeing him on Conan in the late 90s and he did the whole interview in character as some mentally challenged retard character, even at the time I remember being surprised he was able to get away with it and there was no uproar or anything. Damn being the internet became big and social media and all that gayness shit like that could slip under the radar on tv without all these outraged faggots protesting over it.

He was the funniest man in France.