Maestro at work.

44  2017-08-20 by FlowbeeYourTits


Opie has no fucking clue about sports, even his "favourite team" the Islanders. Yet he's trying to make it seem possible that he'll replace one of the biggest sports radio shows in NY. I just hate him so much.

Opie closely follows the Patriots, Bills, Giants, Jets, Yankees, Red Sox, Mets, Islanders, and Rangers.

I challenge you to find a man who knows more about sports.

Don't forget the Philly teams as well.

ME: I take a peek at the Dolphins

You forgot the Dolphins. I'm not kidding.

He's a fan of entire divisions and conferences, I'll have you know.

What a fucking boob. I would love if this was true, we need some new fodder around here.

One new name that recently surfaced as a possible candidate is Gregg (Opie) Hughes of “Opie and Anthony” fame. Until last month, when he was terminated, Hughes was working for SiriusXM. A radio source shot the Hughes rumor down saying he was not a candidate for Francesa’s job.

Opie taking calls for 5 hours a day all by himself? I'm in.

Literally the best possible scenario.

I'd call in every day. I would be rude though.

The paper said "a radio source refuted this rumor, it's not true" -

As bad as Francesca is - He's got a national audience. There are so many more qualified & popular sports-type radio guys that would replace him before Gregg Hughes.

What one redeeming quality does Opie have that makes him a legitimate candidate? What one thing does he seriously do well? He can't fucking read! He proved that, countless times.

I can't wait until he crashes and burns into complete and total obscurity. Right now, of the 3700 ppl who follow this idiot....2000 are waiting for this disaster to finish.

Why are you seriously rebutting how Tits isn't getting work in radio?

To be fair, it's not hard for one torpid sloth to replace another.

His 3 favorite teams are all in the fucking AFC east, you literally can't be any dumber than that.

In addition, he couldn't name the starting QB of any of those 3 at the moment.

He had a better shot at joining NASA than being mike's replacement

Him and Chris Christie together would put Howard into bankruptcy

Maybe Opie could get his hands on one of those fancy credit card holders.

I didn't know you could buy crack cocaine with a God dann credit carrrrrd!

"No comment" So no

What a delusional fat titted sloth.

As if!

I would pay to hear him try, tho. It would be glorious in its imbecilic........glory.

One hour of Tits trying to talk sports on his own would give this sub at least two years' worth of material.

Stop teasing us, Tits!

Imagine tuning in to hear sports talk and Opie and his gaggle of giggling hacks are talking yelling "Diiiip!"?

You won't hear them. The station won't hire them and the contract they give him won't be enough for him to pay them 750 bucks an appearance.

Besides all of that he's full of shit and WFAN is not interested in him at all. Unless he pays them to get on the air.

On the "most hateable cunt on radio" list? He's laid claim to the no. 1 spot already.

The replies to this on twitter are priceless.

I didn't know you could buy crack cocaine with a God dann credit carrrrrd!