Weekly Free-For-All Thread: August 20, 2017

0  2017-08-20 by AutoModerator

Feel free to use this thread for whatever you would like to discuss this week.

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Hey Automod, why don't you come back here and shut up?

I retract my apology, and go fuck myself.

Jews have been kicked out of every country or empire untill modern history but they want us to believe they are just victims. Also only 1.5k Jews live in Norway but almost every media ceo is Jewish there.

Adolf Hitler was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick

I jack off to cartoon drawings of questionable aged girls and probably have autism. If you think those weak ass things you posted are gonna make me turn on Hitler, you are sadly mistaken.

Jews got the Heeb-ho 130 times out of countries

I'm not sure that last bit is true.

If I was offered $5,000,000 in exchange for putting a vile of concentrated AIDS up into my rectum, I would take that deal in a heartbeat. You can live a reasonably long life being HIV positive nowadays.

What if instead of a vile it was a turgid penis?

Hahaha fuckin' TriangleDimes killin' it for us today.

25 years old and I'm %95 sure I have roids on my arsehole, any reason to get these checked by a doctor?

Or just let these bad boys ride?

Pooping blood etc.

Yes loads of peckas have been up there, bleeding unrelated.

Also I drink to excess and would smash miss lightning.

Gawwwnn now

I have a fucking boil right now right in that space where the ass crack ends and my back begins. It is so fucking painful.

I hope it bursts all over your dakimakura

How can you wish such things to happen to this qt?


Sit in a warm bath a few times a day. Google Sitz baths. It'll help.

It popped already.

Keep that area shaved and clean. Watch out for recurrence. See if you know someone who will write you an antibiotic prescription.

I have doxy, amoxicillin and cephalexin already that I buy at a fish store because I don't feel like going to the Dr if I get sick/I like to have them just in case

Do a course of the amox. Kill the rest of that funky bacteria that's trying to regroup. These things can sometimes come back over and over. Stay clean and shaved back there.

Honestly, your symptom sound more like anal cancer. Congratulations.

Dont push or sit on the bowl too long. If one of those jokers gets pushed out too far it'll get thrombosed which is fucking painful. Use witch hazel or prep h. Nothing a doctor can do for you besides that.

Today I tried to scratch my ass but there was a hole in my shorts and I made direct contact with my asshole. Brief penetration occurred

wouldnt call a 15 min section brief

Shut the fuck up

Denny be praised on this blessed day. He is life! He is love!

Good news, it's now safe to look directly at the solar eclipse.

New safety patch got uploaded to the sun last night, have fun boys!

I'm straight.

Oh, Anthony, no you're not.

I've been on a bender since the day after Christmas. I think it's my longest stretch ever. Never forget

If given the opportunity to fuck a tranny or Rhianna... I'd fuck Lauren's chin.

I had a 4 day weekend and I somehow did more fucking work than I ever do at my job, topped off with picking someone up at the airport so the cheap ungrateful fuck didn't have to pay for parking. He made up a bunch of shit from his business trip and backseat drove so much I contemplated pulling the e-brake in 4 lanes of traffic. No gas money, no drive through meal, fucking nothing. I really screwed up.

Serves you right for having friends.

Good point.

Jimmys facial expressions as he talks annoy me beyond reason.

I dislike all of the guys that are still alive. But this sub is fun regardless.

Kevin Brennans show was funny this week, but it could also have been that I was exhausted from binge drinking for the eclipse.

I appreciate everyone's ability to josh good-naturedly and the book 'The very hungry caterpillar' brought me great joy as a child and still does.

I'm winning Powerball tonight.

"local retard wins Powerball, dies building elaborate sex bot"

"Local retard wins Powerball, changes name to Nigga Rich"

A 20 year old girl is cheating on her boyfriend with me and said "that fucking idiot gave me 100$ to buy shoes" which she will now spend on me. My dick is average and I'm poor.

What the heck folks?

Good for u!

This fawkin thread went viral believe me



Niggers aren't people. Whites smell like mayonnaise (now I want a sandwich) and Spicks are criminals and some (I assume) are good people...

cant find the "did you ever notice" bit on yt

anyone know what it was from?