Reminder: Anthony is legitimately proud of his "network" and believes it is a significant and respectable achievement to speak to 40 people about being a self-hating nigger.

26  2017-08-20 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

LOL good one, Antwan.


The sign of any success young venture is a willingness to sign over half of it to someone you despised working with for 20 years and you feel has no negotiating/business sense.

40 people at 8.95... that's almost 400 a month

40 sounds a bit high...

do any of you remember how keith signed all the rights of the content of LOS to them

He is not legitimately proud. He knows it is a failure but he can't say that in public. If people believe that it is popular then more people are likely to join. Or so the logic goes.

I still can't get over how much he fucked and how stubborn he still continues to be. The arrogance of him to try and keep everything behind a paywall and now actually increasing the price has got to be the stupidest of all. He seriously needs to fire Keith or at the very least move him to some unimportant role.