Sam will you please go do something in wrestling full time so we can have these final years with Jim at his best??

22  2017-08-20 by cumspaces


PS. I believe Jim's finally taking loads in the ass so he's probably not long for this world.

Big dicks in ya ass are bad fo ya health

Isn't the NXT the developmental wrestling thing? Hes' that obsessed he'll even watch shitty teenagers training to be real wrestlers?

Jim at his best? You'd need to go back 10 years. He has been coasting for the paycheck for a long time.

Nah I'm saying I wish Sam would step aside so the limited time we have with Jim would be best served hosting with someone who doesn't suck


Jim's overpaid ass is getting booted as soon as the contract expires and this monkey will be tossed out into the forrest. Better start looking for a good cave now, Sam. It's all over.

Thinking of monkey-Sam getting torn apart by a much smarter and more agile predator, such as a sloth.

He's a real DUD-ley Boy, knowhatImsayin fellas?

I liked it

I took over that fawkin ring nobody's beezwax and shiznit.

Sam doesn't fear getting booted out of XM because he can easily survive in the wild hunting game while his wife collects berries and seeds.

That moment when you realize you'd rather listen to Chris fucking Distefano than Sam because he and Jim were about to start talking about Game of Thrones, and stupid Sam piped up about not watching it. Because he doesn't have time. Because of his faggot infuriating wrestling faggot fucking faggotry, that consumes his every waking hour.

That moment is when I turned on Sam. Holy shit wrestling is for utter faggots. To be professionally involved and really mean it to the point where you make your mom store all your old VHS tapes of that SHITE ...

shattering douche chills, every time I think about it

Agreed. Has to be the single luckiest person in radio history. The fact he's being paid at all is an absolute joke. 3/4 of the population of this country could be more entertaining than this twerp.

It's over johnny. It's over.

Sam! Virgil called.He wants himself back.