I had a dream about Opie

7  2017-08-20 by FlashVirus

Yeah and this isn't a bullshit story either-- I'll share it here since I can take a jab in the ribs.

So the dream starts with me in the movie theaters and Opie is the on screen, the theater is packed. What appears to be on the screen is like an O&A version of Private Parts, except Anthony isn't in it. So it's just an Opie movie. The scene features Opie, who appears as a 50-something year old man, in a college classroom with a broadcasting professor giving a lecture. Opie has a 'cool kid' posture like something you would see Fonzy do. He raises his hand and says something like, "Why don't you people talk like normal people? People coming to work in the morning just want to hear guys talk like guys. Sometimes I like to say fawwk" The class erupted in laughter and the Professor looked incredibly nervous, with his assistant approaching him and whispering in his ear like an, "oh shit, this guy got us good" reaction.

I remember feeling douche chills.

This was real, and this was horrible.


Where's the Vos plug?

I read the Opie quote in Todd's dumb jerky boys rip off voice.

You lost me at Private Parts. Is that a good movie? I've seen it like half of it. Listened to thousands and thousands of hours of radio, still don't see the point of watching a movie about it.

It's a pretty good movie if you liked Stern back then, but the premise turned out to be bullshit--"Allison was my rock, i never cheated on her".

Gonna need a TL:DR here fella.

It's a shame you woke up.

That-That's terrible, I'm sorry.