Edgy Comedian Doesn't Care for Gab's free speech policies

4  2017-08-20 by FlashVirus


This douche goes on to sarcastically say, "let's make sexist, racist, jokes without people getting mad!"

She was involved with "Baby Geniuses 3"....

It was a laugh riot actually..

2 nobodies feuding on twitter. I haven't seen a twitter feud this heated since Opie versus Jason Ellis.

Wut? GAB is a platform not a person you r-tard.

Oh, fine. A bunch of nobodies feuding on twitter with another nobody. Happy now?

A platform runs the Twitter account?

first woman who criticizes her, she responds "enjoy your subjugation" this andrews woman is a dolt

I am sold. Lets get in gab.

Does anybody else find it funny that a twitter alternative has a twitter account?

You're not really selling me on your platform.