Braunheiser is the best egg.

107  2017-08-19 by cumspaces


agreed, more vagina needs to be passed his way. or anus, if thats his thing.

Kratom and modafinil. He's asexual like Ben Affleck in that autistic accountant movie.

He really is on his game.

Contributing so much and asking for nothing in return. What a swell fella.

Yeah if you love him so much why don't you fuckin MARRY HIM?

Marriage is gayer than just giving him a hand job like two bros

Oh that's just two guys having fun. The Greeks thought so and they were geniuses.

Look where the greeks are now though. Bankrupt with food consisting of 90% olives and soupy cheese.

I've heard kalamata olives taste great after sodomizing the young boy you're mentoring.

I love him

Great guy. A real man's man, if you know what I mean.

hes a white boy hip hop

Bestest good egg

Gold please

succ, pls

The best

The bestest of the most best.




tss full of yolks, that guy

heh i remember when somebody said that :)

No thats me.

He's a faggot

Oh that's just two guys having fun. The Greeks thought so and they were geniuses.