The Sopranos - Tony defrauds HUD fund

14  2017-08-19 by Every1ShouldBKilled


It's funny because the niggers don't get their government cheese.

Mind your ps and qs. The PC term is urban populace.

Walt fucking Whitman ovah here...

Really is a sorry sight. Black out reach program used to defraud the neighborhood, then black youths used as tools to exact violence.

On my second viewing of the series I started to really notice the terrible things Tony and others did. For some reason the first time around I was loving it, now it kind of shines a different light on the show as well as makes me think about the writers/author's message.

Still a good ass show, still like Tony for the most part, but its definitely easier to see the evil that lies beneath a guinea smile.

I mean these guys ARE mobsters...its not like the writers were hoping you would completely side with them. You could at least see their humanity, but even the finale: when the ride of excess ends, it ends. Nothing to really cry about. These weren't good people killed: They were relatable assholes that played the game and either won or lost.

I see where you're coming from, but there are certain characters that are considered bad but are actually good in some context.

For example, Omar from the wire, he never hurt a civilian which was a redeeming quality.

But its not even the mobster angle, there's certain idiosyncrasies about Tony that are so ugly.

One thing that I never gave much thought about, but now makes makes me filled with discontent, is Tony's interaction with his family or friends.

Always manipulating others, lying about the past, and worst of all making others miserable like him.

One episode that really showed how much a jerk Tony is, was the episode where his sister Janice learns to control her anger. Tony gets mad seeing that his sister has shit together and decides to purposely pull her down to his level of shit.

Really makes you schink about his character.

Well that episode made me dislike him a bit, HOWEVER you have to remember what Tony did for her: she killed Richie Aprile out of ANGER- his best friends brother- and covered for her, not to mention she cut off her only child back in Canada. So as far as Tony sees it: who gives a shit about making amends in NJ? Her own child is back in Canada that she's never going back to, whether she works on herself in NJ or not. And she's KILLED out of anger; something she could do again. Tony just sees the hypocrisy of the people in his life who "get better" but are still pieces of shit, and cant handle it when it comes to dealing with them, especially since he's rich and they try coming back to him for money. Plus: Tony subconsciously knows he's part of the same hypocrisy, so if cant enjoy it; no way anyone else is going to.

Tony just sees the hypocrisy of the people in his life who "get better" but are still pieces of shit

I disagree. I think he's just selfish, and may use that angle to hurt people.

For example the way he treated his cousin Tony B initially. He really was turning a new leaf, and Tony was butt hurt that he lost a chess piece, as well as had to look at someone with morals.

Omar did stuff that hurt civilian bystanders, and the bunk called him on it. Great fucking show

And then Omar spits this long fuckin monster of a loogy like "fuck you bunk" while bunk walks away.. and then he just sits there looking like he's gonna cry. Bunks just a faaaaawkin hater

The drunk burning evidence scene with Bunk was fucking great

That was a classic too. Jimmy goes bunk what the fawk you doin? "Pussy fibers man.. no ones gonna catch the bunk.."