Jews In No Way Control The Media

27  2017-08-18 by EncinoEscobar


For when they Shut It Down.

for whey you should link to author

GOY BYE tweet

/u/david-me /u/IAmSupernova /u/StrawRedditor /u/Brimshae /u/Hessmix /u/HandofBane

I hope you all fucking kill yourselves your only gamergate friend in the white house is gone. You spineless fucks have let SJWs shut down gained so much fucking power by abandoning that advertiser attacks that were the heart of your sub 3 years ago.

The SJWs have won, you gamergate fucks has officially lost. Fuck you fuck you fuck you

I really have no idea whats going on here.

It's just Jews being Jews.

I am in no ways a gamergate, alt-right, pepe kekistani troglodyte. But your piss poor grammar, subject-verb agreement, insistence on run-on sentences, and general screeching are making me reconsider.

I've seen you post before, it's always the same, where I remember who you are and wonder what you are about. I lean towards weirdo, possibly some injoke alt I don't understand, maybe one of those mods at the top of this list nobody has ever seen post before, or some kind of bot.

It's like you wandered in someplace, blurted out some shit that is like one-eighth relevant to what is going on, and then you just kinda stand in the corner talking to yourself.

That's a very accurate description. He's definitely one of my favorite posters.

I don't know what the fuck gamer gate is and I'm proud of it.

Which part is the media, the meme or the presidents cabinet? I'm confused. Or the black woman.

It's not a meme it was the splash page for the HuffPo story on Bannon's firing.

It's still a meme, it doesnt get elevated to not be shit just because the fourth estate is a fart joke.

Come on... as far as HuffPo headlines go, this is actually pretty fucking funny.

Fuck you too. I hope you wake up tomorrow looking like Opie the rest of your life

Serious: why does this headline anger you so much that you feel the need to yell at people? It's legitimately mirthful and tickled my funny bone.

I bet you were one of those tards that was angry about Opies Patrice Lives video. Drop dead

Oh yes, I was seething...

because Opie is a clueless, senile old man who grossly misunderstands what makes legitimately funny people funny and grossly exaggerates his own self-importance and worth. Not sure what that or any of this has to do with gamergate though. Still waiting on that explanation from 2013.

Who said anything about gamergate you batty nigger?

Just read the 30 comments first. Otherwise you'll look silly, sugar plum!

You may be right, but you're a batty nigger regardless.

Mirthful? Really dude?

This comment was a bit excessive, even for this sub. Just the "looking like Opie" part - the rest is fine.

  • as far as HuffPo headlines go, they would call it racist if it was against any other race.

Okay. But a librag can still be funny. Just like functional schizophrenic Alex Jones can also be entertaining.

But a librag can still be funny

I mean its not like almost all talk show comedy on TV is Left-Wing. Is this a revelation, for you?

Interesting/surprising thing is not that this is funny (which it is), but that it is racists (according to Left standards of what is racist when anyone says anything equal to this against any minority) because Left claims or projects picture that they are against racism.

btw they are not even Left (there is no Left in USA) I just call them that because they themselves call it Left and I do not care much. In reality they are Center.

What the fuck is that thing and why does it have a dogs asshole above its head?

Funniest part is there is a bunch of Jewish journalists replying with things like "This is great, but don't say it like that!".

"They know!"

Oi way or sumthin

Liberal Jews hate white people.

This is Nazi bait. Actually rather clever.

It's really hilarious how they're proving the alt right correct. Jews do run the media, and they do hate whites and non Jews.

My favorite tweets are of photos or statements that are relevant to a headline that I'm supposed to be woke enough to have already read about


The list of things Hitler did wrong grows smaller by the day.

Only killing 6 million is the only thing I can see.

Oh yes goy, the Holocaust (TM) definitely happened. Good goy.

it was a joke, Goy.

Jewish women will fuck anyone. That's their only redeeming quality.

Can you pass me your hand-me-downs?

they're not the prettiest

They usually have big toys too. Not pretty broads but they are easy.

Jews definitely don't control the media. That's why they are so open and willing to discuss Jewish control and influence readily, and are armed with facts to disprove such silly notions.

Actually I've mostly found the opposite TBH.

She looka like a man, oy vey. ......

Can you pass me your hand-me-downs?

they're not the prettiest

They usually have big toys too. Not pretty broads but they are easy.