Opie is desperately trying to get on TV now. Begging Guy Fieri for a job. Pathetic

107  2017-08-18 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


He has an announcement in a few days bro. The Opester is all good.

oh, nevermind then.

I really hope it involves the beach, a message written in the sand being washed away by the tide and is padded out to 3 minutes

Fact: he pads out his YouTube times so he can put more YouTube ads and monetization on them.

hahahaa, i laughed to hard at this

Stop laughing at me.

Stop laughing at me.


Direct link if you're not blocked and want to tell him how great an idea this is.

To Opie's credit I say horrible shit to him all the time and doxxed him like 2 weeks ago and forced him to get a new phone and he still hasn't blocked me. Needs the followers more than ever right now.

Shit, he blocked me for a tweet I didn't even realize he was tagged in when I said he was mentally ill. I just wish it was a tweet where I asked if his daughter was really retarded.

His daughter isn't retarded. She handles his social media.

I had a burner account that I was tweeting inflammatory nonsense to him on, and he let it all slide. Then I replied once with only the word, "loser" and he instantly blocked me.

Dude, you're driving his engagement numbahs way up.

Even someone bashing him is still engagement.

Aside from the doxxing same here. Just put I hope it's a murder suicide on this tweet.

I can't comprehend how terrible his numbers are. I'm a friendless zilch and even I get more re-shares on my nonsense. Opie has two shares on that post.

"Fawkin Howard prevented me from being on Guy Fieri's show" - Opie when this doesn't happen.

Terry is suffering from some form of mental illness

Called "being a Vietnamese bot"

if so god be with him. no BS

Nobody would put those teeth on TV.

The idea of a Guy Fieri produced Opie and Friends Go To Restaurants show is really fucking horrifying.

Just because he has the mouth of an ewok it doesn't mean he's not fit for TV.

Oh wait, he should never be seen.

Where we at with Guy Fieri being a homosexual? Couldn't Opie just suck his peckah?

Guy isnt gay. Im sure he has a couple kids with edgy names like Blaze or Colt.

Howard better not fuck this one up or else the pests are gonna have a field day with him and the little doggy company!

Oh god. I read that in Opie's voice and just got douche chills so bad.

Spreading the unemployed VirusĀ© all across America.

but he never has to work another day in his life...

Now is the perfect time for Terry Clifford to get her revenge on opie

If she started trashing him on the radio, I would throw up a little less in my mouth every time I saw a photo of her.

to be fair she looks like she makes good perogies

to be fair she looks like she eats good perogies.

Because what every show needs more of is the bickering of old married couples. I only hope the worst for Opie and the 7 people who actually enjoy him.

"They bicker like a married couple and it's hilarious!"


But it's not hilarious.

Not unless it gets violent. You know, because Cubans....

No. It's more like the white supremacist yelling at the Cuban refugee.

Old married couples die soon so that's good I guess.

This fruit thinks that two men bickering like an old married couple is hilarious. Get killed.

"We beat the shit out of the Guy Fieri"

At this rate next month Opie will be tweeting Mancow

Tits needs to be permanently deported to Flavortown.

Carl crushed his first wife during sex

This man has hit rock bottom and then broken through to another bottom that few of us have seen.

Subterranean sadness

It's almost too cringeworthy to watch

I literally spit out my coffee. bravo!

Drink cheap vodka like the rest of us, faggot

Does Costco Vodka count?

Didn't he treat him like absolute dogshit? And now he's publicly begging to hitch his fat mammories to him? It's almost poetic.

Terry is Opie. I'm not even going to check it but I know I'm right.

Terry Heiser should stick to being the best damned sorter down at the postal sorting facility.

Right, shit on him in person, don't have him on the show, have his part-time side-kick on, prove you can't make great radio or get a fan base, get fired, prove that no one is interested in watching your popup videos, then ask Guy to be on His show...Wow, good luck.

According to climate scientists, if Opie and Guy teamed up for a show the resulting level of douche chills would be sufficient to reverse global warming.

I love how often he tweets about recent political events. I would take much pleasure in seeing Greg take part in an off-the-cuff, in-person political discussion.

He thinks this his how you get a job and pitch a show, publicly on gw Twitter to someone whose number he doesn't have

This is like one of those facebook posts in the cringe sub where someone says "Oh my god Sarah you and him should date!!l". Then the guy in the photo replies "We totally should!!"

Meanwhile the girl replies with "Haha no I'd never wanna risk losing him as a good friend :)"

nothing says food and family like videos of fat men making doodies - Ray Kroc


You're going to feel really fucking stupid when Opie gets his own TV show.

Stop laughing at me.

Stop laughing at me.