"You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? Perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility."

34  2017-08-18 by crookedmile



I'm pretty sure that's a children's bathing suit.

Yeah, and I'm pretty sure this is the before photo from a Max Hardcore porn shoot. Not pictured: Peeing in her butthole.

She wanted Austin Powers, but instead got Ed Powers

I'm pretty sure that's a child's body

The body of a child who's been deomposing in a barrel for a week.

She is definitely a board member on the Itty Bitty Titty Committee

Anthony probably thinks liking big breasts is a media conspiracy started by black people


there's nothing wrong with a woman who has the arms and chest of a 12 year old boy. what's wrong is why that gives me a hard on.

What's wrong with that? It's the age of consent in some states.

Nice pattern for the top to make it look like some sag where tits are supposed to go.She must stink in bed if Ant didn't buy her tits like Sue

Why would Ant want her to have tits when he's trying to pretend she's 12?

Imagine starving yourself and talking in a fake mousey with the express and intentional purpose of making yourself more appealing to rich pedophiles.

Imagine the complete lack of self respect.

The victim blaming here has to stop. What you just outlined is the classic abused person. He, who will not be named, is the cause of all this.

Her father?

Voldermort, nigga.

I post here. I do not need to imagine the absence of self respect.

Looks like the girl from Magnolia that falls in love with the cop.

The fuck is up with all the Magnolia references on this sub lately?

She really does

Sue has a better rack even with the cock. Melissa Stetten was the hottest he had though.

Bitch look like she smell like feet. I wouldn't fuck her with BoBo's half of dick.

White bitch lookin like she smells like wet dog fam.

Bitch look like she smell like Andy Cumia's old heating and air conditioning boots.

Mmm look at that punchable lil tummy

If I found a kid looking like this on the streets, I'd put a blanket on her back and call an ambulance.

And this is Anth's type.

Put a blanket on her back

Yeah of fuckin CUM!


You're all a bunch of fags.

That's... little out of line... but, uhh, k'know... hheh hehh haeh

Speak for yourself.

Because we don't find a greasy anorexic bitch attractive?

Eh, I would hate fuck her rotten mouth. The residual stomach acid on the back of her teeth would probably rot my dick off though.

I've fucked guys with bigger tits

Hahaha mcdongloads is such a funny fucking name

She only has that one bruise on her thigh. This picture must be post-Cumia. He wouldn't let her walk around untarnished like that.

Judging from her blocky hips, she straight up swallowed the gun that Anthony was searching for

This is still one of the most disturbing things I've seen on this subreddit

I get it. After fucking this for awhile, Sue Lightning looked like a goddess.

What is that

Probably human. Early human?

Is that DJ Qualls?

Regardless of her squeaky voice that sounds like a child. Probz the main attraction to any. Her legs are ruffffff

Roswell; evidence found.

Did Roman Polanski take this picture?

Well, the black Long Island version of Polanski did.

Her ribs healed nicely

Her hands look so bite-able.

Her wingspan is breathtaking


Her legs are bothering me, she has legs like the Aliens in that Charlie Sheen Movie The Arrival and Anthony probably has aids like Charlie sheen

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Yeah, I would.


This just prove Anthony likes fucking boys.

She would fit in with the t rex in Ant's backyard.

I won't lie to you about your odds but... you have my sympathies

The A2's always were a bit twitchy.

She's pushing 30.

She looks like an emaciated 13 year old. No wonder anthony had a thing for her

Someone once posted pics of her in pleather fetish gear, it looked like a newborn fawn trapped in a hefty bag.

My is provider is going to ask questions about this picture

What are the odds that she'd ever do an AMA here?

You guys are legit homsexuals

Gotta agree. I'd be all over that except that she always reminded me too much of The Puppetmaster.

Ant really is a sicko. Just imagine his wrinkley 56 year old body on top of her, making sweaty love to that imaginary 12 year old.

Remember when she came on the sub to proclaim how jealous we must be that she gets to hang out by Ants pool all day because she lets him fuck every orafice.

Only to be replaced in his heart months later by a boy named sue.

Boney little hillrod.

Opie Hughes literally has larger breasts than this supposedly grown woman.

Is that supposed to be a female?

Is this the one with the dick or the prepubescent one with delectable hand-meat

He really does have a type

She has Sam's body. Ants a faggot.

Put a blanket on her back

Yeah of fuckin CUM!