A Word For Christian SJW Haters

0  2017-08-18 by felineenthusiast77

I've noticed some of you have been getting big heads recently because of the increasing retardation of the American left. Maybe you're really into Alex Jones. Or Faith Goldy. Or Gavin. (Probably not). I'd just like to take this time to remind you that as long as you devote your life to an invisible man in the sky, you are just as homosexual, deluded, and pathetic as everyone you hate. Thank you, and good day.


"anyone that chalks spirituality up to an invisible man in the sky is an unsophisticated faggot" -Jordan Peterson

Who exactly do you think is a devout christian that posts here? Do you think this place with all of the tranny talk, porn clips posted of guys who look like Jimmy, profanity, graphic descriptions of gay sex, etc. brings out christian posters in droves? Or do you think there's no atheist/agnostic conservatives?

I'd advise you to go try the Crowder subreddit if you want to troll Christians.

Piss off jew

Anybody who is really steadfast in their own religious beliefs and dismissive of others or act as if they "understand" and that you aren't enlightened like they are is an asshole.

Pretty sure anyone here is godless.

No man, I come here for graphic descriptions of Sue Lighting fucking Anthony Cumia in the asshole and how Lynsi makes Opie watch her get pounded by skateboarders all week and then I go to church on Sunday.

an invisible man in the sky

This is exactly what God is not. God is ipsum esse subsistens, the sheer act of to be itself. God is the first cause of the universe, the prime mover of which all creation is contingent upon. To deny the existence of God is to deny all order to the universe.

Ich bin ein

Prove that order needs agency to exist and you might as well be a fucking creationist

All contingent things have a cause. For there to be no first cause would mean infinite regress.

Then the burdens on you to prove that cause is the agency of god. The system works without the assumption of god anyway. Your fantasies are your problem.

The argument is not that the first cause is an act of God, some invisible being in the universe. The first cause is God, by definition. This is true even if you don't believe in Christianity.

Reminder: If you haven't outgrown your fedora phase after about 14-15 you are severely mentally stunted.

While I don't consider myself religious or a believer in any way personally, some people do.

And generally those people contribute more to society, in terms of work, than reddit/internet atheist/Patton Oswalt faggots who say things like "INVISIBLE MAN IN THE SKY, OHH SKY CAKE." Fuck off 2006.

Invisible man in the sky? Wow! You must be some kind of genius to figure out that the God of Christianity doesn't exist.
