Did anyone screencap Opie's tweet about Ant before he cowardly deleted it?

21  2017-08-18 by SpudsCuckley

Replying to someone who asked if he's gonna get back with Ant, he replied with a YouTube link to the music video 'Won't get fooled again'.

I miss Ant shit-talking Opie at every opportunity. This could fan the flames.


He loves deep tracks.

buuurp Yo, Erock, turn this shit up! Where we at with the fawkin' Who? Put on that song about not getting fooled, Pinball Druid, yeah, that's the one.

I have a feeling that Opie is a very easy man to fool. This is a man who deeply contemplated water as a middle-aged, adult male.

"What's in salt water that makes the body reject it so violently?"

Anthony and Jimmy both chime in, "Salt!", Ant laughing and Jimmy sounding disgusted that Opie is that dumb.

"But there's that much salt? That's all there is?"

Where does the salt come from?

What is salt?

He's the shining example of a dumb person who tries to make themselves seem smart and deep by asking questions all the time.

And then when they realize they are looking and sounding dumb they end with, "I don't have all the answers but I just really wonder about stuff like that and want to learn more."

All your post did was remind me of the "Opie Radio 'Docs' Series".

Remember when Opie actually thought people wanted to hear him wax poetic about documenCHREEEEES?

"Hey man I just see things and wonder about them. Like I have light brown, almost blonde hair and my wife has really light hair that, yeah I know she'll kill me for saying this, but she dyes it blonde. But our son has really dark brown, almost black, hair. It's so weird. And like Lynsi and I both have dark eyes but our son has really light eyes, like a bluish grey almost. Like what makes that happen? So weird because the only person we know with hair and eyes like that is Hudson's godfather Bam. Maybe like him being around the house so much when Lynsi was pregnant influenced the baby? I dunno, just so many things we don't fully understand."

Fuck i had blocked that out of my memory til now. Are they on youtube?

I found this. Really, really sad https://twitter.com/opieradiodocs

You're the one who saw it. You should have 'capped it! What am I, your secretary?

Just joshing you sir. Have a spiffy day.

Won't get fooled again? Ant was the difference between Opie living in a posh condo, and a trailer house in upstate NY.

I hope this is because of the last Chip Podacast.