I gave Jim Norton down syndrome.

22  2017-08-18 by DumbleMeHarry


First of all it's "Down's Syndrome" you dumbbell. Second, how hard would it have been to add that classic Down's Syndrome haircut and really put this thing over the top? Without that this photo just looks like Lauren Kubera with a buzz cut.

Look in the top right corner of what you just linked you stupid prick.

I guess you don't know what "Synonyms" means, you mongoloid. You pompously corrected OP's correct use of "Down Syndrome" to "Down's Syndrome" when both are correct. You made a classic dunderhead mistake.

He's just trying to be an edgy quick witted Opie and Anthony fan, he prob imagines he's on the show with the guys while he's in the shower.

It was already pretty obvious he had it, along with other autoimmune diseases

Post effort: -1

If you think this is low effort wait until you see all of the Bob Kelly is a whale jokes. Look! I found a picture of a character with a big chin, I should post it in the O&A sub titling it "Lauren." Here's a picture of a midget that I am implying is Joe Rogan, GET IT!?

At least this guy put 30 seconds worth of "photoshopping" into it.

You think this is a shitpost?

Are you new or what?

Looks like Zippy the pinhead.


takes a photoshop class at the community college

Tsss I didn't know you were contagious.

No, his parents did.

His parents beat you to it.

His parents beat you to it.

You could've at least tried to photoshop this picture a bit you lazy fuck.

You can't fool me. Thats a photo of Doug Benson

Look in the top right corner of what you just linked you stupid prick.