THIS wrong'n was all-in with the ChipToon scam, she's a celeb-sucker & took a wage for cartoon.

1  2017-08-18 by Toss__Pot


Jennifer Carmody, why havn't we taken her down yet?

She's talentless & sucks comedy dick, Jim wasted time on his special on this twat, she took money to co-write / star-in the Chip cartoon, all her modelling pics are like a plane landing (flaps in reverse), & she looks like my ex (who was also a talentless psycho cunt).

How did she get away with this?! 60 fukin K!

I'm either too drunk or i just dont understand 80% of the posts here anymore

I agree & empathise, even tho' I wrote it

Melody Carmody I think. That bitch is a two face.

I still think she got most if not all the money.


Only an ugly, desperate little cretin like Jim could let this arguable 6.2 get a single dollar out of him, much less several thousand. If she didn't have a nice thigh gap there is no way she would be over a 5.5

She has a phenomenal thigh gap.

She's my best friend.

She has a phenomenal thigh gap.