Rebel Media Tossed Into The Oven

5  2017-08-18 by HorsesAgain

Gavin leaves Rebel -

Gayboys (not to be confused with proudboys) expose/extort Rebel -

Jew responds to gayboys saying that it's blackmail -

Rebel backpedals on free speech and fires Faith Gody for going on Daily Stormer podcast, provides no context whatsoever -

The biggest loss of all: there will be no cruise -


Those faggots sure were looking forward to their cruise out to international waters to engage in illegal sexual deviance.

Faith Goldy did nothing wrong. Rabbi Media is just a money laundering outfit between Israel and canada. Come sue me Ezra you fat faggot. Sieg Heil. 1488.

Faith is a bit of a dumb cunt though. On the podcast she alludes to her boss being a jew and doesn't eat bacon and then says BUT FREE BACON on the otherhand, FREE!! . get it cause he's a cheap jew. (she's a female, she's cant' be funny but at least she tried)

That's why she got fired for disrespected her jew boss on an antiJew podcast. Like I say, she's a dumb cunt

What is your point?

TheRebel is a Pro Jew propaganda & anti Muslim site that was FALSE FLAGGING as an alt right site. Faith wasn't being a good loyal goil to her jew overlord, she went rogue

Was clearly a joke. Meh

A dishonest Jew doing sleazy and unethical shit in regards to money? Now I've heard everything.

I'd fuck Faith Goldy in the cunt, mouth and ass.

She's pretty close to a 10 in my book.

I always thought Gavin founded that thing. Whenever you look at their channel his videos have 10x the views of all others.

I do love faiths big fake pillow lips, mmph.

That Caolan guy looks like a gayer Max Moefoe