Women are faggots 9/100

13  2017-08-18 by TangerineReam


I want her to go to jail but I know she'll only get probation.

I would sew her asshole to my face human centipede style

She is a 5 or 6. What's with you beta queers on here drooling over average women?

Tbf she looks a few points higher with the glasses on than when you google her and see them taken them off. She's all cutesy and cupie when she takes them off.

She's a cute young mentally ill broad. Tell me you wouldn't fuck her

I didn't say I wouldn't fuck her but she is just average.

beta? oh you havent seen the front page of reddit? alpha and beta males dont exist you silly goose

Women who falsely accuse a man of rape should be faced with the same charges as a rapist. The damage you could do to man with that kind of lie, should be met with equal punishment for a broad who lies about. That being said, I'd hold this bitch down and fuck her until her legs stopped kicking.

They should allow the man to actually rape them as punishment, though that's probably what they wanted in the first place.

Her victims will need the cathartic release of listening to "Dreams" by the Cranberries.

Later said sex was conenseual but it was over before she could ask him to stop

Props to the 2-pump chump. Atta boy. I'd wanna shake your hand but it probably still stinks of mackerel.

Never forget - their holes are for squirting in, not pleasuring.

look up her instagram. this is the only cute picture of her. glasses and hair gave her young slender face a sexy tone. go see her with short hair and no glasses. not cute.

these girls r like fresh fruit. they r ripe for a week then get all bruised and soggy.

Someone give her a rape

Watch while other women will come out of the internet woodwork to kneejerkily defend her, because women are fucking stupid and their minds are ruled entirely by emotion.

They sure are, friend.

Better than a bunch of men with tiny dicks that spend all their time on reddit whining about women. I'm sorry one hasn't spoken to you irl since 1993, you fucking cuck.