What would have been Anthony's rights under the Confederacy?

0  2017-08-17 by FlashVirus

3/5ths of a person?


As a non-English speaking Italian, he would likely be an indentured servant in the South circa 1860. His tribe would most likely make way to NYC at that time ... but I don't think there was a big Italian immigrant push in those years. Nothing like the hungry potato pickers.


Anthony would have fared better than his brother Joe coming over on ship they would have seen how less than worthless Joe was and threw his ass overboard then collected the insurance money

Some shitty field hand who talked down to the blacks to feel like he was better than someone. He would get carried away one day though and berate and whip a valuable slave. Massa would get very upset that this fucking zilch had fucked with such an expensive and productive piece of property. So massa would come down and whup on Anthony and kick him off the plantation to show him that he was worth less to massa than the slave. But Anthony would blame the slave, not massa. He'd rant about how liberal abolitionists forced massa to shun him, to choose the slave over him instead of realizing that the cold-hearted calculating conservative capitalist boss man that was massa had determined that the slave was more valuable to his business than that sorry trouble making excuse of a white man. Eventually, Anthony would be mistakenly rounded up as a runaway and sold for pennies at an auction

Forced to sit around and talk to lil nigger jimmy norton 4 hours a day for massas listening pleasure

Probably not bad considering the secretary of war was also a semite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judah_P._Benjamin

"As War Secretary, Benjamin was responsible for a territory stretching from Virginia to Texas. It was his job, with Davis looking over his shoulder, to supervise the Confederate Army and to feed, supply, and arm it"

Jews did Civil War

House Kneegrow