Baaaaad to the bone DA NA NA NA NA b b b b b b bayaaaaad

48  2017-08-17 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


He revealed last night his wallet chain doesn't hold an actual wallet. He just likes the look so he puts it on two belt loops instead. What a faggot.

How can he admit that without any shame whatsoever?

Luis and Dave were angry. Dave asked him when he plans to stop dressing like a trailer park teenager from 1999 and he said he didn't know. So plan on seeing a 60 year old Static X roadie.

vury good

I'm still waiting for them to dress up like him for a Los epsilon

the same way he can freely admit he's 40 and won't fuck without a tshirt on.

nothing screams sexually adept pipe layer like a guy who wears graphic t's while having a threesome.

I'll bet the other 2 guys makes fun of hime behind his back after it's over.

He admitted it on his special

Ha, then Luis and Dave didn't watch it because they were shocked.

What the fuck

Dis guy's fawkin' cool

a headless neck would match those fingerless gloves

Who's that cool guy???

Fawk yeah

He was actually upset he didn't get the role as Craig in the Animal Kingdom tv show.

The biker look - when The furtherest you've come is walking by a Honda Shadow in a Wawa parking lot at 1am for your nightly nacho and hot dog run.

wawa doesn't have nachos or hot dogs

They literally have both. Are you dumb as fuck or trying a weird bit?

Flab to the Bone.

Greasy-haired creep. Just awful everything. I'm submitting this to /r/awfuleverything just so someone else outside of this dump will have to see this mess.

Fat Jay tries too hard.

They should call him Pig Jay Jokerman! Or something of that nature! :)

Pig Gay Oinkerson

Awwwesomesauce! :)

Awwwesomesauce! :)

All these fingerless glove fags are part of a secret underground proctology club.

The first rule of proctology club is don't talk about proctology club.

The second rule of proctology club is suck every last bit of shit off of your finger.

Can you imagine being this slob's daughter?

Her mother is a lawyer and she has custody so she's probably gonna be okay.

Whoa, who's this rough customer?

I think I've seen literally 2 examples in my entire life of somebody flashing devil horns. Both were picked on relentlessly for being dorks in general.

Bush did

I seriously resent everyone who doesn't loathe this fucking douchebag.

ZERO redeeming qualities.. Endless amounts of faggotry.

I demand any downvoter shows themselves, you fucking faggots.

Unless that was you, Jay, in which case you've blatantly confirmed your presence. You fat, habitually lying, sack of uniteresting faggot shit.

He looks like one of those awful redneck characters that someone like Danny McBride would portray in the worst mid-2000's comedies

You just reminded me I saw "Your Highness" in theater. Oof

Gimme a shot of Jack, NO CHASER!!

Big Gay JOKERSON. Am I Right, Baes?

What is that,his age?

Bush did