It's never his fault

112  2017-08-17 by DapperDan0979


This idiot can't wrap his head around the fact that he's the common denominator in all of his problems. Sounds like every dumb cunt I've ever dated.

would you date him

Just to have access to the kids, suuuuurrre.

I've dated smaller chested women.


You know... for the story!

There is no way you've ever dated someone with such luscious breasts.

Exactly! Even if Howard did help in the decision to fire him, let's consider the facts:

*He stalked Howard Stern so much that they closed off half the fucking building.

*As soon as Opie got fired, this practice ended immediately.

*There's an 80%~ chance that Opie did the same exact thing to Anthony when he didn't even try to prevent his firing.

I swear there's no more perfectly hateable human being in the world than Opie.

or because Howie is a cunt and a fake personality.

hoo hoo Robin, I want this post downvoted immediately. Close it off.

I'm not disagreeing with you. But Opie literally earned his ire.

Opie trespassed in his offices on a live stream as well. Howard had the right to complain to management about Opie.

I can't believe I ever took the side of O&A in that whole them vs Howard thing they (mostly Opie) cooked up for attention. Why the hell should anyone give a shit what happens behind the scenes of the morning radio industry?

Howard has always had a better show than Opie, yet somehow Teats thinks that shouldn't count because Stern was mean to him and didn't wanna be his friend. Opie copied his format, why should Howard be nice to him? Opie's oblivious denial puts me in such a bad mood.

Howard has always had a better show than Opie

I think like 2008-2011 O&A stands up on its own. Wasn't Howie kind of in a slump in that era also?

Yeah that's probably true, but one thing's for sure, Opie had nothing to do with that. During those years it was Anthony, Jim, and Jim's comic friends that made the show good, but Opie pretends it was all him and gloats about it like some retired Hall of Fame quarterback.

Oh no doubt. Opie, at his best, was "0-pie" in that he contributed a big fat "0", but didn't take away from the show.

At his worse, he was The Hole. He was the Laugh Bandit, in that he stole laughs from us with his dumbass shipsteering and forced topics. Go to a caller who is mentally ill, boy that sure is funny!

He sucks so bad.

home-run, breadmoccasin!

I think the years where Patrice and Louis CK were regulars were amazing. There was no other radio show or podcast nearly as funny, and I've not really found Howard funny in decades. Some interviews are interesting, but I'm not sure I've ever laughed at anything. I know he was big when he would get girls naked in studio before anyone else did it, but outside of not letting comics be funny and turning up his bass more than anyone else's, what funny things has he done or said lately?

But Stern said something about my fawkin mentor Brother Wease and his lovely, special daughter. I had to repay my fawkin mentor. Period.

How much of the building did they close off?

Which is strange, since he's a math genius and all...

Why not just sue Sirius for a wrongful termination if he feels so strongly about it?

I can only think negative tweets is the only way his dick can get hard so he puts out bait to get them.

as per usual, a positive response

This is like a guy selling iphone cases from a mall kiosk swearing that Steve Jobs got him shut down.

Honestly the best analogy I've ever heard



That's actually pretty accurate and smart.. you must be new here? We dont take kindly to you uppity brainiacs. Get to leavin!

you must be new here?

I wish that were true and not that I've spent a shameful amount of time talking about Opie.

It's okay, Opie is a dope and needs to be berated at any moment

blaming howard for his firing is like blaming trump for that nazi march. jesus christ opie, grow the fuck up

But Trump didn't say "white supremacist" immediately after he found out about the march while he was busy being the president and signing bills at the VA. How can you say he wasn't the reason they were there?!

so youre mad he was busy doing his job, to not immediately go on tv and say, "bad nazis! No!" and at the same time blaming him for them being there now, but every other 3 times every year youve been alive, theyve gathered and it wasnt the presidents fault? its not his fault nazis have gathered every year since 1930. Grow up son

yes im very mad! outraged even! #DumpTrump

Sir I believe he is using sarcasm

Don't help him.

I realized too far after to go back and apologize. Mortar fire takes out innocents too

I realized too far after to go back and apologize. Mortar fire takes out innocents too

He's still going on about Howard? To suggest Stern thinks about anything else other than his terrible wig and impending death is madness and proof of tits inflated ego.

His cats/dogs, his model wife, his dying sidekick, his heeby daughters, his house in the Hamptons, Ope's saggy tits should be the last thing that dinosaur thinks of.

He's not wrong.

Hi Opie.

Opie is getting more desperate. Howards name gets in news very easy he is trying attach himself to get some numbahs/attention

Dumb cocksucker. You got fired because you gleefully violated the personal space of an obese employee in a vulnerable position, you creepy fuck. Let it never be forgotten.

Gregg "Opie" Hughes should be placed on the sex offender registry.

Opie should do 3-5 years in federal prison. For da bit.

That's really great. He desperately wishes it wasn't the lowly booker that got him fired but the all powerful KOAM.

Waiting for him to blame Denny for his firing.

If he does, we hit the mattresses.

We know who really runs things over there.

"Starting to look like..." as if he has a team of investigators on the case uncovering new information in a nefarious plot to bring down the world's favourite radio show.

His attempts to make himself seem relevant and "righteous" are insane. He's 63 with tits and a bad facelift but thinks he was blocked by "the man" from breaking out as a solo host. A truly startling level of delusion from him.

The only "big reveal" we learned after Ant's firing was how Opie was doing more to keep him away from the building than actually helping him come back.

I can't imagine there's some big story here that doesn't involve more of Opie's neuroticism fucking things up.

Plus, there is absolutely nothing stopping him from doing a podcast and putting it behind a paywall. If he's as great as he thinks and has as many fans as he thinks, then why wouldn't he do this? He's rich and could afford a few microphones and hosting fees and Carl's appearance fee.

If he truly thought that he had tens of thousands of fans, he would have started a podcast already. But he hasn't. He's just trying to find an employer dumb enough to give him another lucrative contract. Hopefully, this never happens.

Sadly I think it will. As I said before radio industry people are complete dinosaurs who have no idea what the fuck is going on anymore.

The time Howard went on a long rant about how podcasts are dumb andwill never last or make it. He truly thought internet broadcasting was just a fad.

It takes like less than $200 to set up a podcast with everything. He and Ant are, and always will be lazy cunts.

I hate how he spells it FUCK when we all know he meant FAWK.



I'll buy 10 Sirius subs if it was personally Howard.


FUCK him

Don't forget this other vague tweet:

ME: People are starting to talk...more soon.

Opie is the Kim Dotcom of hack radio. Always promising information and never delivering.

'Member when he blasted eRock for being vague?

Yup, people are talking, despite everyone who worked with the show is not on talking terms and they would have no reason to help him or feed his delusions. I'm 100% sure zero people who are related with the show told him anything. If anything, some troll making fun of him said "I don't know, maybe howard did it?" just to shut him up, and he took that as an inside scoop.

ME: Howard manipulated my brain to make me take a pic of Roland shitting. Then he manipulated Roland and made him go to HR. #notmyfault

Who knew that bashing someone with a tremendous amount of clout in your company for 15 yrs could ever lead to a problem??? Fascist USA

Howard dared Tits to shoot a video of Roland shitting?

It's great timing for it to just "start to look like" Stern got Tits fired; on a Thursday in the middle of August. Howard won't be back on the air until Monday, maybe the Monday after that, or maybe after Labor Day.

Howard may not address it, whenever he comes back, but that doesn't make Tits any less of a weasel-cunt.

Why doesn't he just jerk off drink a road soda and take a nap instead of tweeting shit like this, what an embarassment.

Stern fired Opie for filming Roland shitting?

"I only broke into his office and i was stalking & filming him in the halls, I don't know why he wanted me gone!"

It's too painful for Opie to admit his show sucked ass ever since he lost Antwan.

Having a gaggle of 5 randoms yelling over each other is not good radio.

Tits spent his entire adult life trying to make it in radio. He went to school to be a broadcaster and toiled for years trying to earn his due in the industry. So what happens when he does make it? He's effortless overshadowed by his radio partner, an HVAC installer who never even graduated high school. It's too perfect.

Opie needs an angle. He isn't going to get hired on talent -so trying to lamely attach himself to the biggest broadcaster out there is all he has.

So self-aggrandizing to for him to posit he's anywhere near Howard's radar anymore. Merely a ploy to elevate his profile out of the gutter and make it appear to prospective employers like he was a threat who had to be shut down.

That guy who tweeted Opie is right, Opie should really just himself off and gets back on the horse. I just hope that it's Christopher Reeves' horse.

You are never... to blame

This man is a fucking nutjob.

I think Opie was trying to get himself fired. And I think he desperately wanted to be fired when he broke into Howard's office. But instead he had to go out with the Roland incident. If he got fired for breaking into Howard's office, he would have gotten tons of publicity. And it would have been real good for his future job. But instead, he got almost no publicity.

i think a hilarious bit for the stern show would be to review all of opies tweets & claims & stern to admit he has no fucking clue who this psycho is

That would imply that Stern still does bits on his show. His strictly Hollywood Howie now.

How long until Opie and the mexican do a pop up outside of Howard's apartment?

Does Opie not see that tweeting this shit makes him LESS employable? For fuck sake, keep a low profile until you land somewhere, then rebrand cuz "Opie" is toxic. Shock jock days are over.

Howard made him film Roland in the shitter? Am I missing something?

More like Cost-a him his JOB, amirite??

This faggot really is obsessed with Howie. So creepy.

Opie with the mental illness. Blaming Stern for his own demise. Can never take responsibility for his poor decisions.

This...or this is a fiction he has to maintain, or he gets a divorce?

This implies that Howard Stern gives a fuck about Opie.

Make no mistake, he does not.

The Bambi vs Godzilla of radio feuds.


The lack of self awareness....

Does he really think Stern cared at all if he lived or died let alone had a job didn't have a job?

Stern moved on years ago.

The next move will be to imply that Howard made some calls and killed a potential deal or two.

Fuuuck, Opie should hire you as a consultant. He'll probably do exactly that.

Opie's Twitter banner makes him look like a moron.

So does the content. And the profile photo. And the username.

Chatter about him, even here, had died down considerably in the last week or two. But then he keeps doing this. I think that's what it is - he doesn't care if everyone hates what he says, he needs to say something. Anything. To keep from fading away. This is all some sad ghost story, big reveal will be when he has no reflection in the mirror or footprints in the snow.

he thinks if he keeps repeating this, people will forget that he got fired because he filmed an orca relieving himself. eh worth a shot tits, lets see how much longer til that wall of self deceit crumbles under its own magnitude

Does Hoo Hoo take calls anymore.

If so, people should end their calls with "Thank you for getting Opie fired."

if anybody was still on the fence about how delusional opie is....

jesus christ, this is legitimately reminiscent of the type of person that goes around accusing strangers of gangstalking them.

All he needs is some ball bearings and some strawberry ice cream.

Opie will drag this thing out just for the mere association with Howard when in reality it was the Roland incident that did the job, what a delusional and busty man he is

You are never to blame

I'm sure it's been years since Howard Stern has thought about Opie in any capacity.

If he didn't blame everyone else then that would mean it was his fault and the Opster can't abide by that.

I'm banned by all three can you guys post screen shots so I can participate in the mockery.

You gonna cry now you little bitch?

The soccer moms and carpool dads have moved on to the next morning zoo. The haters are all that remains.