This is how they treat fags in Russia

2  2017-08-17 by OpieHasTits


Russia has a shitty, fetal alcohol ridden, trodden down culture. They treat each other like shit, what's admirable about that, even if you hate gays?

I don't know, I can't answer that question because I neither hate gays nor admire Russia

middle of the road jimmy rears its ugly liverspotted head again

They have space station and space program.

Because I like seeing what the O&A Subreddit would be like if it was a country.

Is that guy with the fohawk in the video still kidnapping gay guys? I honestly thought after all the press coverage that he got for kidnapping a black kid he'd get thrown in prison

I think he got sentenced to 10 years in prison this year.

You'd think they'd worry about their failing economy instead of skinny twinks.

What the fuck did I just watch?

You owe me 2 minutes of my life back, ya peesa G.

so lemme get this straight he kidnaps gay people, shaves their heads and forces them to jog in place with a dildo. doin gods work

free haircut and personal training. god what monsters!

They have to dance with Jim Jeffries.

Russian chapter of PROUD BOYS.They should thank Gavin McAnus for the used dildoes.