Enough of you English faggots

0  2017-08-17 by SirWallaceII

God, I am so sick of you english assholes on this sub. Fuck. Just fucking pricks, sissy fucking faggots. do-nothings

Go listen to some breakfast radio. No one likes you here, your kind is not fucking welcomed.


Have you had the muffin, try the muffin,you biscuit eater.

Same but to the niggers too.


Tea & Crumpets over here for you mate


Do nothings? Are the rest of the sub paragons of success?

Me peckah looks like Big Ben or sumthin so come ere and lick me bummole, there's a good chap tss

And this is the thanks we get for letting you guys use our sub 😡

I thought this will be about football

Fucking Jews man...

Youre a bundle of sticks, sir

r u calling me fire starter, captain?

sorry old chap