How does Patton Oswalt call anyone a "troll" when that's his exact body type?

32  2017-08-17 by Single_Action_Army


takes one to know one, amirite gang!?! gimme those ribs, you

self loathing, what a tragedy

You expect a murderer to have a sense of morality...?

I am a middle-of-the-road Jimmy, sick and tired of both sides, but Patton is a good example of why I know that the left is a lot more unhinged and insane than the right. Our country is stronger when both sides are healthy, the left is mentally ill. They run, literally, everything related to media, television, movies, streaming services, Internet monoliths , magazines, most newspapers, networks, music, and they still feel oppressed and silenced and feel the need to lash out like little children. They've even lost a lot of their own, I know a lot of union Democrats who voted for Trump. But keep talking down to us, Patton. Keep doing it. Keep ruining everything you piece of shit, thanks for ruining the new season of mystery science, you lump of simpering garbage.

Well, the guy gets away with a lot. Just ask his wife.