51  2017-08-16 by throwawaymanthrows

And then I spend 10 minutes on worldstar hiphop.


nazis what are they fawkin BLIND OR SOMETHIN?!?!


Oh chip..

Some unfunny lady's chin is in my way I cant see.

Blacks are mostly loud and animated which we tenderhearted white folk often mistake for agression, but most niggers are A-okay if you give the goddamn jigaboos a chance.

You mean like when packs of them were literally hunting white people in baltimore?


Biologists call them "troops".

More specifically: Primatologists.

Wait. Really? I honestly had never heard that. If that's true, that's sickening, and telling that this is the first I'm hearing it and I live in the Baltimore-Washington area.

Haven't Nazis technically ceased to exist since the fall of the Reich? How did they suddenly get tied into the Confederate Era, which predated them by almost a hundred years? Why have blacks suddenly designated Nazis as the scourge of their ethnicity? Isn't it a little flippant to use the term as a catchall for anyone who isn't down with hardcore-leftist ideology?

because the rally is called "united the right"

all white nationalist groups. the tiki torches work to represent the burning of the reichstag in Germany, the KKK had the night riders.

"unite the right". even their shitty flag combines the confederate flag with nazi colors

You heard of cosplay, faggot? Or do you easily get confused by talking Gorilla mascots and quiver in ya boots when you see someone dressed like a pirate?

You heard of cosplay, faggot?

you are retarded. not a shocker.

You heard of cosplay, faggot? Or do you easily get confused by talking Gorilla mascots and quiver when you see someone dressed like a pirate?

please donate your brain to science, so we can see how a retard forms the neural pathways for political opinions

NAZI! recoils in terror

That's all it's about. One side has the reaction and the others want to cause the reaction.

Because the Jews literally own the media

Neo nazis, dumbfuck. They were chanting nazi slogans and wearing nazi symbols, but don't let that get in the way of you being a fucking idiot.

Why don't you calm the fuck down.

Suck a dick

Again, calm down. You don't need to be this upset.

Ok, thanks, Mr. Sensible. Now go suck that dick.

Present yours to me and I'll get to work.

Whoa, that salty language is unnecessary.

Niether are these unfunny shitposts from proudboy fags.

Just because some nerd wears a shirt with a Superman logo doesn't mean he's a charter member of the Justice League.

To paraphrase Chappelle: But they're wearing the uniform.

But then they can't act all butt hurt when someone assumes they like Superman.

Yeah you tell em

No you.

I mean, they did show up to a protest about a Confederate general's statue with Nazi flags and whatnot. Blacks complain about racism in general, mainly-white antifa are much more likely to go the Nazi/Fascist route.

This is the final push by the leftist-controlled media and pop-culture apparatus to purge the right from all acceptable political dialog. They've gone full Godwin, and now everyone who isn't a leftist is a nazi.

The left blew a fuse when Trump won and is completely out of ideas. The only thing they can do now is use their media and cultural power to marginalize all contrary political thought.

So now, according to our supposed thought leaders and influencers in the press and Hollywood, if you don't think the way they do, you're a nazi. It's as simple as that.

I don't think they realize how badly this is going to end for them.

Go back to the donald


go back to the hillary or somethin tss

More than 30,000 white women are raped by black men and we can't say a thing. Blacks commit crimes against whites in massively more amounts than the reverse but we can't say a thing. Blacks literally destroy again cities but we can't say anything.

Last year a black panther shot five cops and it was out of the news in a day.

It's one thing that they commit so many crimes. But the fact we can't even talk about it is disgusting. They're humans. They can take responsibility.

Watch Colin Flaherty. YouTube keeps shutting him down but he covers all this shit.

Did you think anyone on this subreddit was going to disagree with you?

OMG, He totally redpilled Me. SO WOKE!

"They're humans. They can take responsibility."


"They aren't people" -- Anthony Cumia

You never know. People's full faggotry came out after Charlottesville

Yearly? :o

Nah in like the last decade

More than 30,000 white women are raped by black men and we can't say a thing. Blacks commit crimes against whites in massively more amounts than the reverse but we can't say a thing.

Survey says that's a lie.

Facts don't care about your white fragility.

More than 30,000 white women are raped by black men and we can't say a thing. Blacks commit crimes against whites in massively more amounts than the reverse but we can't say a thing.

Survey says that's a lie.

Facts don't care about your white fragility.

Those tables show blacks commit 3 times more rape than any other group! Congrats! Great point you're making! Plus it hides Hispanic groups who claim to be white. Whites are so fragile but they are also evil oppressors. Get your story straight. And you're welcome to leave, rapey.

Flawed statistics. That means women regret having sex with blacks more often.

That might be part of it. Not sure how you'd ever get to the bottom of it

Step 1: Take black dick

You first

Those tables show blacks commit 3 times more rape than any other group!

You can't read for shit can you Bret?

Call me crazy I don't like crime period, regardless of who's committing it, but I'm not a paranoid failson who clings to whiteness as a form of an accomplishment so maybe that's why I'm not resorting to lying

You keep forgetting that blacks make up 12 percent of the population while whites make up 70 percent

You still can't read Bret, you also take raw data at face value.

What ghoul actually excuses or is indifferent to an offense, except when another group commits that same offense and tries to declare themselves the moral superior?

I know underemployment causes stress and shit but my god.

What kind of retard makes inferences about raw data with zero evidence? Sorry about the low iq but that's your ancestor's fault. They sat around staring dumbfounded at the big blue ocean and never dreamed a sail. If they hadn't met whites they'd still be digging in the mud for grubs.

That's actually not true

China and Africa have a history of trade relations, sometimes through third parties, dating back as far as 202 BC and AD 220.[10] The first mention of Africa in Chinese sources was in the Yu-yang-tsa-tsu by Tuan Ch'eng-shih (died 863), a compendium of general knowledge where he wrote about the land of Po-pa-li (referring to Somalia)Archaeological excavations at Mogadishu, Somalia and Kilwa, Tanzania have recovered many coins from China. The majority of the Chinese coins date to the Song Dynasty, although the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty are also represented, according to Richard Pankhurst.[11] In 1226 Chao Jukua, commissioner of foreign trade at Quanzhou in the Fujian province of China, completed his Chu-fan-chih (Description of Barbarous Peoples) which discusses Zanzibar (Ts'ong-pa) and Somalia (Pi-P'a-Lo).[12] In the 14th century, Moroccan traveler and scholar Ibn Battuta made a long journey to Africa and Asia. He reached China in April 1345 after a stay in India before serving as an envoy of Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq of the Indian Tughlaq dynasty to China.[1][13] He wrote:[14]

China is the safest, best regulated of countries for a traveler. A man may go by himself on a nine-month journey, carrying with him a large sum of money, without any fear. Silk is used for clothing even by poor monks and beggars. Its porcelains are the finest of all makes of pottery and its hens are bigger than geese in our country.

It's gotta hurt your fragile ego that you're future bosses last name is gonna be Liu and have no qualms about working the shit out of you and firing you for the fun. Fentanyl is your future Bret, get use to it.

The average African iq is 70 lol

You realize IQ's are meaningless and don't actually hold any value?

And you should be sleeping, you have a clock to punch in the AM. Unless you're already unemployed.

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Hong Kong and China in Top 5 United States isn't

Congrats, you just owned yourself you fucking nerd

And why Bret?

Ummm... no. Those numbers apparently don't say what you think they do. Or maybe you're being sarcastic? Those numbers look really really really really really bad for black people.

They look even worse for white people by that logic.

white fragility

Yeah, all insults bouncing off effortlessly while everyone else melts around them, real fragile there.

I'm with you overall, but I don't think that a White woman's next morning regret over experiencing the B.B.C. should be classified as a rape.

Only 30k?

Black people have no problem talking shit about black people. The patronizing white liberals that try to protect them, however...

lol @ the fact your life is so pathetic you spend your time making up this shit on the internet. I'm so sorry your dick is so tiny that this is the only way you make yourself feel better. Go to hell, you fucking nazi piece of shit.

I am getting sick and tired with anything political. The world is just full of idiots screaming their dumb agenda like its a sports team. Fuck it all.

Price of tiki torches just went up, now my pecka gonna get bit!

I have an incredible urge to bring down a statue!!!!

What's funny is all this "THEY'RE NAZIS! THEY WANT TO KILL BLACKS/GAYS/MUSLIMS/WHATEVER!" when in reality not a single speaker or leader from the unite the right even advocates violence of any kind, or has views that could be described as even somewhat nazi-ish. Their point is, "we don't want to kill non-whites, we just want to be free to live in legally and geographically separate places, because that separation would result in *less** violence".* Their position is actually anti-violent; they don't want to be free to kill blacks, they want to be free from the danger of being killed by blacks or Muslims or whatever, and if you actually look at the crime statistics in even a cursory way, you realize they have a point.

The truth is, there are no significant political figures on the far right in the US who are advocating violence, especially violence against other races, which seems to be the big scary threat. They're a bunch of white guys saying "if we could live in a city or state that was 100% white, we'd all be significantly safer", which is obviously true, you just can't say it in modern American society.