Is Sam's wife Jewish?

0  2017-08-16 by comeflywme

I thought they mentioned that back when O&A were still together. Or maybe it's just the shit Sam has said this week that made think that.


If she is then their child is practically an gross act of anti-Semitism. Injecting those genes into the pool? Haven't they been through enough?

him putting his little prick in there is pretty much a hollow-cause

His fucking de-skinned cocktail weinie.

Never understood how he laughed so much at Bobo's unfortunate cock when he himself was circumcised in his 20s. Sam is like a fat woman smiling; the more you think about it, the more you fucking hate it.

I'm constantly surprised that people actually listen to Jim Norton and Sam Roberts. It's shocking.

The baby's father looks like a Mengele experiment

Sam looks like nazi propaganda against race mixing

Yes she is. I would also fuck her.

Picture of her?

Dam that nigga got himself a Topanga.

Sam has a more feminine voice.

yes she is.