"But the truth is, in the last 9 years right wing militias have been responsible for twice as many terror attacks as Islamic exteremists" Jim Jefferies (4.20) That can't be true

44  2017-08-16 by Lilcumia


I'm assuming he just says this with no evidence?

It's true, but we also have a small muslim population and their definition of a terrorist attack is pretty loose.

Saw a guy post a list once, "right wing terrorist attack" includes shit like mentally ill guy who got into a fight with his mom taking potshots at the cops when they come to take him away.

Right wing to them means any person with a gun unless proven otherwise. And unless he's black because then it's just mysterious motives we will never understand.

I guess Timmy Mcveigh was a right wing terrorist and he killed a lot of people in 1995 and every once in a while an abortion doctor gets shot but that's about it.

[Here's a list of all the terrorist incidents so far this month.(lhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terrorist_incidents_in_August_2017). It speaks for itself. They may not all be in America but that's why folks don't want people coming in droves from that part of the world.

They would definitely include Dylan Roof shooting up that black church to try to start a race war as right wing terrorism too.

Yup forgot about that one, that fair to label as terrorism, but at least condemn Muslims with the same scorn when they shoot up a gay night club or drive a truck into a crowd once a month in Europe.

That kid just needed a better haircut, same with Adam Lanza. If someone took them to a damn salon they wouldn't have shot up anything.

black churches needed to be taken down a peg imo

Why would religious, violent, misogynistic capitalists be looked at as right wing?

We'll give them a pass because we're morally superior and black people just aren't as smart as us.

so he specifies a geographic area where he's claiming this is true? what is the purpose of limiting it to 9 years?

9/11 put the Muslims way ahead, so it doesn't count

It's a pretty dumb statistic. In the last nine years there've been 63 cases of Islamic attacks in the US (killing 90) while right wing attacks numbered at 115 (killing 79). So the claim is true, but only if you:

  • Limit the time period to the last nine years
  • Ignore all of Antwan's hijinks in Europe and focus only on the US (where Muslims are a tiny minority at under 1% of the population)
  • Include every instance of a mentally ill dumbass who goes off his meds and ends up assaulting a minority

So yeah, it's an extremely worthless and selective fact, but it's not wrong.

Why would you lump in every Muslim on EARTH?

Lol, Muslim = Terror. White = Just some mentally ill dumbass of his meds.

You sir are a disgusting piece of shit.

How's the weather in Tel Aviv, Uncle Flip?

This entire sub is an Alt-Right sect.

Fuck you, faggot. We're nothing near the alt-right. We're the Aryan Brotherhood

So ballsy, Throwaway98709860.

You dummy.

You racist.

Calling me a racist is racist.

But is it true? A-ha...

Take onnn meeeee

Gathering research for the next big r/opieandanthony exposé?

Correct. Here's how they pad the right-wing stats:

1) Bundy Ranch protestors 2) Florida: Guys shoot at cops, don't kill any 3) Jeffrey Allen Wright: sovereign citizen killed by cops 4) Car is set on fire at Planned Parenthood construction site 5) Gavin Long-black nationalist (lmao) who shot 6 cops

There's more but I don't feel like finding them. Muslims have less attacks, yet they've killed more people. You have also have to factor in per capita statistics as well. Whites are 65% of the population and have killed 79, muslims are 1% of the population and have killed 90.

I didn't click link, but I doubt it includes 50 dead in gay night club shooting. I cannot believe for a second the death toll is less kill count wise, 9/11 is so much.

Hey asshole, feel free to find the exact same information. You can always, you know, DO SOME FUCKING RESEARCH.

you can always, you know, be a fucking jerkoff that no one likes. dickhead.

Sorry, truth stings, eh?

I'm in tatters.

Just wanted to give you an opportunity to research and say something intelligent. You'd rather not and keep believing that brown people account for 99.9999% of crime on Earth.

thank you for this much needed opportunity. I am not going to watch the video so I was just wondering if he supported his comment at all, and most importantly whether or not he's only talking about the US. you're input has been welcomed as I'm sure it always is by those that interact with you.

Or in other words "I don't want to watch a video that goes against my racist belief system."

You're proud of your ignorance?

i'm proud of mine, those smelly darkies ruined everything

no I don't find Jim Jefferies very funny anymore. he doesn't seem very smart or informed about any of the things he talks about. you are saying that, internationally, right wing "militias" commit more terror attacks than Islamic extremists? in the quote above there is no mention of it being limited to the US, so I questioned whether or not he backed this up in any way.

Sir you don't seem very smart or informed.

I am saying in this country, White Christian terror is on par with Muslim terror. You just don't call it Terror when it's whites. Just some lone wolf nut off his meds.

I don't give a fuck if you like Jim Jefferies. You fucking LOVED Jim Jefferies until you saw him lean left, and suddenly he wasn't funny anymore. Just like Louie and and the countless other comics who are "no longer funny" because they think neo-nazis are garabge.

The wolf is the ancestor of all breeds of domestic dog. It is part of a group of animals called the wild dogs which also includes the dingo and the coyote.

Sir, go fuck yourself. I don't disagree re: the US.

Really winning this argument with your retorts.

There really isn't one to win and wasn't trying to have one in the first place. If he restricts to the US within the last 9 years I have no reason to doubt that there have been more terrorist attacks by white christians than muslims.

So, what you're saying is, you can sculpt numbers to show what you want them to show and you don't like that? Sounds a lot like crime statistics. But it's only OK when it works for you. Honestly, you aren't embarrassed to say something like that?

I foolishly didn't realize at first that he was excluding the rest of the world from his comment, so to me it wasn't a matter of honestly facing up to my own hypocrisy when it comes to inventing statistics that favor my beliefs but one of recognizing a categorically untrue statement. Either way you have shown yourself to be a truly miserable cunt and its people like you that make me glad Trump won.

I see. I'm a miserable cunt because I explained something to you and you didn't like it.


I have got the documents right here!!

Mmm hmm. Jewish actors, Sandy Hook was fake, and the Alt-Right never kills anybody.

Wouldn't be the first time he made shit up on the spot. He made up some gun stats in on one of his stand up specials, but corrected himself on the 'Freedumb' special.

i didnt know jim released a free special

Of course it's not true. That's ridiculous.

CBA to click on it. Maybe in America if you don't count Orlando?

No you see though the killer said he was doing it for ISIS on the phone he was actually a closeted gay who was driven by Trump to react violently to shameful desires and lash out.

Yes that's what I meant. You'd have to jump through loops to get there and only focus on one country rather than the global issue.

It's a real downer that he's such a fag now.

He turned into such a shill

You can tell from these clips that he doesn't really know what he's talking about, he's just parroting the narrative his writers put in front of him

What a waste of talent, alcoholic white trash jim Jeffries was fucking great

Agreed. He really does [Stanhope's]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59Vb_qVQxMImaterial flawlessly

For a libertarian, Stanhope has really been bitching about what other people do the past week.

Stanhope was just a libertarian for the drugs

To be fair, I think most libertarians draw the line at Nazis killing people.

He doesn't want Lil Hank to grow up to be a piece of shit like him.

Jim was supposed to be a professional opera singer. He was super talented, but he refused to quit drinking and smoking and his family stopped supporting him.

He wouldn't have had his son if he became an opera singer

He wouldn't have gotten herpes either.

He's not even one of those (((people)))

Saw it coming when he started spouting shit against the 2nd amendment.

Yup after sandy hook jefferies went off the deep end.

Oy m8 oy cayre a lot abawt thease fahkin kahnt kids thayts whoy i tern theyre deayths inta a careeyr move

ay naayy

He was always a faggot he was just drunk when he was on so he didn't act like it.

Same thing with Louis CK, he was extremely depressed and poor thats why he was so great. When these guys have their shit together they suddenly don't appeal to us

They get a regular woman in their lives and the craziness leaves, or gets yoko'd out.

The brain switches to responsible father mode, and funniness reduces. Life becomes predictable, serious, and monotonous.

The Friday night search for drugs and sluts becomes a Wednesday evening search for the right baby formula, and a fear of the ever disapproving look.

That could possibly be true, but that does not cancel out the problems with Islam. Plus 9/11 killed like 2000 people, no right wing terrorist will ever top that.

That sounds like a challenge.

Trump might.

Aww shizz dassa political yoke cuzz

Ahhhhh nawwwhhhhh, Joffries gaut us Merikans gud!

It's probably a true stat based off their data, but as expected an incredibly weaselly one. It doesn't account for severity (number of casualties), attacks prevented, attacks abroad which affect US citizens, the fact that we have to take shoes off and can't bring liquids on planes, and so on. Also assume that 'right wing militia' is loosely and poorly defined allowing them to encompass an enormous swath of people, as people the SPLC are absolute jokes with their harsh condemnation of pretty meh organizations (they were going after pickup artists for awhile..).

Muslims are 1% of the US population - they already have an outsized footprint when it comes to violence. Your alarm bell should go off with an arbitrary value of '9' being used as a reference point - obviously if we did 16 they'd have to include 9/11, but there's likely a reason they stopped where they did. Here's a stat for Jim - in the past 2 years Muzzies have been responsible for 100% more concert attacks then any other group.

Please don't say Muzzies. That's a britfag term and the brits as bad as the Muslims and assorted otherkin.

What did I do?

You're appropriating faggot culture. Please don't do that.

It's an homage to insanity.

Muzzies is strayan ya cun

Gday blokes, Im from down undah and I think your president is a fuckin ranga!

Probably need to include twitter 'attacks' and pork products left in the general vicinity of the local mosque for that to be true.

Fuck Jim Jeffries sucks.

CNN had an article that 9 mosques had been targeted by attacks in 2017, but gave no details. Went digging, got as far as the first three attacks they listed; 1st was threatening emails, 2nd was "cut-up computer printer paper containing text from the Quran" thrown out of a car, 3rd was prank calls.

God that is enraging. And there's also just no way that the reporters don't know exactly what they're doing.

But don't you dare call them fake news. Faggots throw a fit at that

And God forbid you notice that its usually Jews doing all this bullshit slander and fake news and kikery

Them is the rules, Goy.

Enraging? Do you always mimic lil Jimmys phrases, or just today?


You never been enraged huh, tough guy?

N Rayyy Jing

It's annoying because it gives the alt-right more credibility and the progressives more to moan about

I'm just excited to watch everything burn now. You can't tell people how these movements are just distractions, allowing the incestual nature between the gov and big banks continue to fuck the country or how we are murdering innocent children in 3rd world countries. The president doesn't matter and your "cause" doesn't make any fucking sense

You cant make people see reason. Just enjoy how both sides are fucking idiots. It's not often you get to watch the death-rattle of an empire.

The one in Huston is no longer a topic for discussion as soon as it was discovered a muslim was behind the arson


sounds like an easy way to get a couple million views on youtube...

He's a faggot. He was funny as hell in like 2010 on O&A but he sucks now dude.

I was a victim of a right wing terrorist attack.

A white nationalist once applied for a loan at my local BoA branch while i was waiting in line and when he walked by me he called me a spaghetti nigger :(

That was an attack ,are you joking, this is the problem ,libtards are turning the men in this country into whiny little pussies.

plzno bully:(

I try not to listen to any of Jeffries' new stuff so my enjoyment of his old O&A appearances won't be ruined by what a faggot he's become.

Yea I won't even watch this video. I want to remember the good times.

Wish this shit dick would fuck off back to Australia.

It IS true. If any of you fools would bother to actually to the math.

I'll do the math when you do the english.

Ah, the ol, "I got nothing so I'll attack a typo".


No it's that you are such a colossal idiot, it's not worth arguing with someone that stupid because they wont learn anything and I will have just wasted my time.

Why am I an idiot. Can you explain instead of spouting names?

But... you just wasted your time. Dipshit.

The math only works out if you

*set a completely arbitratry timescale *water down what consitutes an actual attack *liberally read right wing intent into every conceivable negative action taken by a registered Republican


Tell me all about your black crime statistics.

I yearn for fascism. Trump absolutely has my vote in 2020 thanks to people like Jim Jeffries.

Maybe he's talking about in America. Considering Muslims are only 1% of the population in America... that's not very good.

I guess it depends on what you classify as terror attack. If you count shit like vandalism on mosques i guess it can be true.

Someone should make a YouTube vid about how phoney he is and make him lose his show. Make a compilation of all the sexist racist shit he's said on OnA and his specials throughout the years.

He needed the money!

He deserves to be fucked with though I don't blame him for cashing out.

He's actually right, sort of: http://www.gao.gov/assets/690/683984.pdf

It's probably true because they play with the word 'right-wing.' The retard is probably grouping everything from the IRA to lone-wolf types and anything in-between. So then they can do the typical, "SEEEEEE! NOT ALL MUSLIMS. White people R evil 2!1!1!!"

I'm sure they omitted the Fort Worth shooter because that was just "work place violence"

Isn't it funny how people will just pull numbers out of their ass, and then defend those bullshit numbers with the ferocity of a female polar bear defending her cubs?

If Islam truly was this religion of terror then why is it that less than percent of muslims committing these crimes? Are you telling me 99.9% of muslims are practising it wrong?

Almost all terror attacks caused by muslims are politically motivated rather than religious. The actual number of attacks in the name of Islam are very low.

*When you define hurting someone's feelings as a terror attack

What if my feelings were legitimately terrorfied?

Its not. Heres why


That mulatto south african's not getting through, let's have a white guy with a foreign accent lie to them under the guise of comedy.

Jim knows that saying bullshit like that is how you survive in the media these days. That retarded, uninformed gun control rant he had made him realise that.

This kikeberger is misinforming the public.

Might be true in America but you should say in America then you ozzie fag. Certainly not in Europe

what a fucking illiterate cunt of a dogs dig faggot.

Here's a link to right-wing National Review that addresses this thing, obviously with a bias. But they link to the Government Accountability Office's report about terrorism. Right-wing terrorism is more frequent, but kills less people, probably because it's less organized. As the author notes, they leave out serious left-wing attacks and attributes some questionable attacks to right-wingers.

Reality is, it's just conflating distinct situations. It's the typical political red herring. Instead of addressing the issue, try to distract with a related issue that triggers the opponents' bias. Pro-abortion people do it all the time. "If life is so important, why do you support the death penalty?"

No. Jim Jeffries is wrong. This is just a misnomer. A tactic to throw off focus toward Islamic extremism. They're the over-achievers right now, not the white nationalists. Who knows if they'll catch up. They're both assholes in the end, but there's only one group the left cares about.

Well if it's a white on black crime the only reason can be right wing extremism.

Fucking bullshit artist.... why the last 9 years? Hes been a fag ever since that rant on guns got him the "right" kind of attention

Thank god for Jim bringing us the tell it like it is, sincere truth with a sprinkle of comedy to get my through my night.

Without him having the balls to stand up and criticize the president we would only have

Stephen Colbert Chelsea Handler Samantha Bee James Corden James Corden Jimmy Kimmel Trever Noah John Oliver Bill Maher Vice News Facebook Twitter Youtube

To call out bullshit when they see it

Reddit: The Comedian

In these troubled times, I consider myself fortunate that there's an alcoholic non-citizen from a former prison colony noted for its racism here to tell us what to think.

I love how everyone loved Jim until he made fun of Americans and their guns.

Everyone forgets about the Naxalites! Bladdy lefties.

What a lying kangaroo fucker.

who the fuck is in charge of CC putting up all these garbage ass libtalk shows, jon stewart is gone get over it