Proud Boys Compound Media Song (Uhuru)

16  2017-08-16 by porsalin


How does a self-professed expert in punk rock not even know how to play air guitar?

This is Gavin in his old band in the 80s...

The Agnostic Front lead singer sounds like he has Downs. Angry Samoans are awesome and underrated in the modern sense vs a Black Flag.

Anyway, you got my hopes up of seeing Gavin pretending to know music.

I hate how catchy that song is.

This rules

The guys in the booth make me sick

They're prime proud boy material for sure

One guy looks like a future Big A.

Garret is the best thing on the channel.

this is glorious

I'd like it if we could all take a moment to thank these men for building the modern world.

What's his reasoning for not labeling themselves as proud men at the very least?

You become proud man at fifth degree.

They should be called the FagPunks.


wahowa! lol

What's about as faggy as this is that Redbar ripped jeans queer pandering to the proud boys for ratings. Imagine how desperate you'd have to be to say you like the fucking proud boys, then imagine how worthless you would have to be to buy pre-ripped jeans and designer shoes for 1800%markup prices. Suicide would actually be noble