An Autistic Timeline of A&A

11  2017-08-16 by HorsesAgain

July 17th - Compound announces big announcement coming end of August

Artie: I dono Ant, Ive been thinkin. PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHH. Im trying to stay clean and my standup is going real well, I dont really want a regular gig anymore.

Keith: Anthony, we said we were going to have someone big be your cohost. Im not announcing Kevin fucking Brennen. MAKE IT WORK.

August 4th - Ant "seals the deal" with Artie, sources stating he was "offered so much money he couldn't say no". Also gets in fight with John Stewart

August 13th - We will be raising prices to improve the quality of our broom closet/green blanket studio

September 11th - Artie: Keith, Im not gonna make it in today...


Is artie actually the co host Anthony has?

No one knows except radar online which is oh so reliable.

Well they broke that totally made up story about Anthony and Jon Stewart

Id love if artie got ant on heroin

So would Ant. If it wasn't for the the adverse health effects heroin is the greatest thing on earth. Try it sometime.

Have you ever tried running? A runners high is great!

No but I go on incredibly long walks. It gets the endorphins going a bit too.

How about this, you try running and ill try heroin. We'll come back and compare results

I promise I'll try running. Please never try heroin ever. Of all the mistakes in my life that's the one that I wish I could go back and change. Eat some mushrooms instead. Tastes like fun.

They actually taste like the shit they're grown in, which is why you put them on a cheeseburger so you can choke them down. But the trip is definitely worth it, provided you got a 1/4 of weeeed maahhn and a fresh pack of cigs.

It was a wee bit of a joke. But yeah alone they'll make you gag hard if you're not used to them. I always preferred to just choke em down but putting them on a peanut butter sandwich was pretty decent.

Choke em down and you're pulling shit out of your teeth for a while and burping htem back up, which I didn't find enjoyable. I've tried that too but just makes the peanut butter taste weird. I can trick my mind into believing all mushrooms belong on a burger though.

Try it in flavored yoghurt, or yoghurt with honey. I'm amazed you don't feel the heaviness of the hamburger in your stomach while tripping, that would fuck me up. Plus you trip way harder if you eat them with something light on an empty stomach.

A burger? Goddamn to each his own but I'm flabbergasted.

Sorry, not like a 16 oz burger. One of those shitty McDouble value menu burgers. It's got so many chemical flavors in it that it's actually very effective.

They grow in brown rice flour and rye berries also

Its an old artie lange joke. I wasn't being serious. It on his last special probably one of the few actually bit. Its about him talking his personal trainer into doing heroin.

Call 911. I think you're having a stroke, sir.

I'll be nodding out, itchy and drooling on myself in the warmest most perfect state of bliss imaginable and you'll have tired legs and a false sense of having accomplished something


The way my life has been thus far im certain its only about 3 years away

Shoot the H and then go for a run. Best of both worlds.

So would Ant. If it wasn't for the the adverse health effects heroin is the greatest thing on earth. Try it sometime.

It was a wee bit of a joke. But yeah alone they'll make you gag hard if you're not used to them. I always preferred to just choke em down but putting them on a peanut butter sandwich was pretty decent.

Try it in flavored yoghurt, or yoghurt with honey. I'm amazed you don't feel the heaviness of the hamburger in your stomach while tripping, that would fuck me up. Plus you trip way harder if you eat them with something light on an empty stomach.

A burger? Goddamn to each his own but I'm flabbergasted.

They grow in brown rice flour and rye berries also