Surprising and outright courageous stance!

14  2017-08-16 by unclepaul84


"He hurt my feelings!" IMPEACH!!!!

This dudes a twat.

These people are so motherfucking dumb in the media.

You know why Trump was elected? Because of years of shaming conservatives. Not even just Trump, look at what happened to Mitt Romney.

So they're tripling down on why people had a backlash that made Trump look in September like he was so terrible he was going to lose Arizona to winning in November. Because of constant "If you're a Republican you want to bring back slavery (which Joe Biden felt comfortable enough to say in a NAACP speech), make women subservient, kill the poor, criminalize homosexuality and make Christianity what Islam is in Saudi Arabia" since George W. Bush you get Donald Trump. Why? Because while Romney just ignored the media shitting on him he says something.

So why is your strategy doing the same fucking thing that got him?

If only Trump really did what they fear, who's with me.

Their gonna put y'all back in chains

-Joe Biden

My Plantation is going to be needem some pickers Donny deported all my cheap labor.

"they gon' put y'all BACK in chains" yeehaw

If Romney just let that comment lay he might have won.

my freedom of speech is in CHAIIINS

You know why Trump was elected? Because of years of shaming conservatives. Not even just Trump, look at what happened to Mitt Romney.

Trump's message resonated with shamed conservatives, but that wouldn't have been enough to win on its own.

Trump was elected because the Dems sand-bagged Bernie (and other progressives along the way) in favor of Hillary, the WikiLeaks that proved this (and many other shitty things), and because Hillary picked Tim Kaine.

Bernie or Biden would have beaten Trump.

Hillary might have won if she had done nothing differently but picked a likeable VP candidate. I think enough people would have talked themselves into "she'll be dead soon, so it's really a vote for __________".

Then, passing out at the 9/11 Memorial and all her other health problems would have been seen as a positive.

The depth of retardation in the Democratic party is nothing short of Tits-esque.

Hillary picked tim kaine back in 2012 when he agreed to step down so that wasserman schultz lady could openly rig the dnc primaries for hillary.

It was payment for a favour, otherwise some brown femme gentleman would have been her vp choice instead of 30 people in a gym rally tim kaine

Why does this unfunny Arab care so much?

Because he thought Republicans were supposed to turn America into a shithole like his country but they didn't.

Impeaching over here doesn't mean what it does in your country, packie.

A packie is a liquor store in New England, Kumail is a Paki.

There all niggers in my book

Tough talk for someone who didn't donate enough money to the Clinton campaign to keep TJ Miller on Silicon Valley.

This sand nigger faggot needs to go back to his own fucking country and tell them to stop throwing gay people off of rooftops and stoning women in the street for showing their ankles

You're half right.

As if a Trump supporter could ever do enough to satisfy this fag and earn his "forgiveness" (as if anyone would want it).

should've been collateral damage in the bin Laden raid

The Big Sick didn't become a huge thing because audiences rightfully rejected him as a leading man. Who can blame them - nobody wants to stare at him and be spoon fed his stupid romantic life story for two hours. "My white girlfriend got sick and I stuck by her side, aren't I a great guy?" I can scarcely think of a bigger vanity project. The guy's appearance really is a problem, all heritage aside. He is the doofiest looking MF in history.

He's also a shade taller than Joe Rogan. He stinks and I hate him.

he has permanent angry eyebrows like uncle leo

its that fucking smug face thats getting my knickers in a knot, id like to shave his eyebrows with an axe


How about #deportnanjiani?

Celebrity scandal I'm dying to see: Kumail cheats on his wife (aka the basis of the rom-com he just did that was self-congratulatory of their timeless love) with some trashy white slut who leaks a sex tape, and then has the most acrimonious divorce in history. It would literally debunk the entire narrative of the film: Kumail is in actuality just as susceptible to being as big a piece of shit as anyone, and it was in hindsight completely meaningless that he stood by her side during sickness. There's actual pictures of their wedding during the goddamn end credits! Please god, I don't ask you for much, but please will this to happen ASAP.

I love how these snowflakes project the notion that voting for his opponent during the election was the 'smart' and 'right' thing to do.

They undermine their point because they either were to o lazy to research her or even worse, they knew what a terrible human being she was and STILL think she was a good candidate to lead the country.

Nevermind impeaching Trump, the person the left wanted in office should be in PRISON.

I'm half tempted to do a weekly bit on here, where I pick a "Progressive" comedian, and see how long it takes us to find a joke. In fact, that's what I'll called it, "OpiesMammogramResult Presents: Find A Joke".

Look at the klan rally that shows up for these posts. Oh no they are going to show me by down voting me even tho this place is infiltrated by government shills who are extremely racist