Video of Jimmy filing away his autographs

80  2017-08-16 by kelsec


Run away!!

Probably gonna take him at least an hour to reorganize all them 'graphs.

maybe even more that that, like an hour and five.

Its "perhaps more than that" you noob jackass. If you dont know the words go fly a kite.

How the fuck did this even happen?

Is this guy a fatso and his ass kept brushing against the one behind him?

It didn't even look like the touched the other shelf. They looked flimsy as fuck any way.

thanks, but i really dont appreciate the crass language in your response.

He did brush up against it very slightly, but there's no way it's his fault. It's pure luck no one was crushed, whoever made those shelves are sssssssssscumbags.

It must be awful to be bald. I have lovely long hair that women love; I can't imagine being bald like Jimmy. I'd kill myself tbqh.

You should do it anyway

If you are that happy about your hair, everything else about you must be a complete disaster.

Sorry about your chrome dome, Patrick Stewart.

A follicle debt is coming your way I suspect, if not already.

Listen, Vick Mackey, I get that you're frustrated by your lack of hair, but I look like Frodo Baggins and I'm drowning in pussy.

Vic Mackey*. I got you fam.

You must have low testerone, unless you're like 19

Finally my androgynous body pays off in the end.

Haha so many Bald faggots down voting, either be rich and get wigs like Comio or have better genes all you fucking hairless rats

Those are some shockingly shitty shelves. Whoever made them should be shot.

ehh shoddy workmanship ya gimme some raw materials a workbench and a few containers of coffee i'll make ya somethin last a lifetime

just do make them like they used to, eh?

Scuuuumbag IKEA !!!!!

Looks more like half Bobby half worm to me

Maybe the only way to get Angry Jimmy back (if he won't put the weight back on) is if all of his autographs wind up misplaced and/or destroyed. That might be enough to get him to take a sip of a fucking Budweiser to soothe his frayed nerves.

That's more fattin

If all of his autographed photos went up in smoke I think the agony might drive Jimmy back to the (Zima) bottle.

Jimmy Pupkin

Woah! Trouble at the Hallmark card factory outlet

He's always just one autograph away from being relevant.

Looks like Stavros Halkias to me.

Rewatched it, he didn't even touch the shelf behind him.



just do make them like they used to, eh?