Reminder: If you use the word "problematic", you are a fag.

49  2017-08-16 by boring_oneliner


well, this post is problemesque

You seem toxic.

opie has breasts

I'll tell you what he doesn't have - a job.

Maybe he'll get a breast job - oh shit! That's the joke! That's the joke right there!

Sara Schaefer? Is that you?

Ya, wanna smell my vanilla cunt?

Haha you're a fag

What does problematic even mean, really?

These people just spend their days trying to find new ways to say, "muh feelings"

That "muh..." shit is so fucking annoying. I just assumed you are a fifteen-year-old girl if you say that dumb shit. So go fuck Anthony, you little bitch.

Ok, badass reddit guy

He's a real tells it like he sees it guy.

Eat a dick, you prepubescent vagina.

+1 internet points for you

Great now I gotta jerk off

'Problematic' is lib tard for 'disagrees with me'.

So it's the "cuck" of the left, then.

Yeah, resolutionatic or sumthin

Unless we are talking about the band fronted by Sara Leketa. The Problematics were on Scorch's show and the pride of Manch Vegas.

I'm so glad I scrolled to the bottom of this post to see this. I love a good obscure Scorch reference.

The toxic masculinity surrounding this sub with it's white privilege is problematic for sure.

that was a very well thought out and thought provoking commented. if you could afford reddit gold, id give it to you.

"edit: wow, thanks for the gold kind stranger!! my highest comment yet!!"

-words of someone who should take inspiration from R. Bud Dwyer

The word 'toxic' is extremely gay.

Why do women have to constantly invent new passive aggressive sayings? We just call them the same handful of things going on a century now.

I know. I hate orange small hands Drumpf! First he condemns the Nazis, but doesn't specifically name them which is LIKE THE WORST THING EVER! Then he implies that Antifa which has a rich history of damaging property for no reason, violently assaulting unarmed people, and depriving people of their first amendment rights, might also be bad. I HATE HIM SO MUCH! IMPEACH TRUMP NOW! I'm... I'm... I'm sorry. Just give a sec...

No problem mon.

The toxic masculinity

tss tss what's that, a peckah with puss filled cysts or sumptin?


So is this your coming out party or what?

I'll just say "problematique" in a French accent from now on.


I use it all the time as shorthand for "I don't have a real response/argument worked through and this word seems to win arguments against idiots"

I know. I hate orange small hands Drumpf! First he condemns the Nazis, but doesn't specifically name them which is LIKE THE WORST THING EVER! Then he implies that Antifa which has a rich history of damaging property for no reason, violently assaulting unarmed people, and depriving people of their first amendment rights, might also be bad. I HATE HIM SO MUCH! IMPEACH TRUMP NOW! I'm... I'm... I'm sorry. Just give a sec...

But what else I am going to say about the fact that my boss just hired that black guy?

Depends on the context, no? If I say the Cubs bullpen is problematic, I think that's just an apt description.

Lefties totally high jacked the word and it has to be used in SJW context now.

NOT PROBLEMATIC - A piano being raised to a 20 story window on rickety pulley.

PROBLEMATIC - someone spray painted "Nig Twat Lips" on the piano

"Problematic" is the "cuck" of the left.

Maybe he'll get a breast job - oh shit! That's the joke! That's the joke right there!