Jim and Sam Show 08/16/2017 Live Stream

7  2017-08-16 by porsalin


Dragon Ball z is an average anime but only if you are 12 and you watched the subbed Japanese version and not that dubbed 4kids horse shit.

I know you are but what am I?

Shut up nigger

I don't like that talk

Jim said he may not be in today but the show would be fine without him. He must never listen to those.

Then get ready for an hour of Sam talking about Ric Flair.

Only an hour? Will the feed get cut off?

Nah, he has some hot takes about the Trump speech too. And probably some Guy Code faggot on.

Sam making declarative statements which are completely inaccurate. Dumb, unfunny cunt.

I can't listen if it's only Sam. I'm suicidal enough as is.

Drink every time Samm "Opie" Roberts says "Anteeefa" as part of his "hilariously mispronounces words" crutch.

It was nice of Jim to have Lauren's brother on the show.


Cheap sam backtracking so hard and getting uncomfortable on his tip amount to delivery drivers after Jim called him out .. he sucks

Pete Correale was good today.

I know. I'll go fuck myself.