Anyone here have speech impediments?

1  2017-08-16 by CaptainHowdy77

I am almost 23 and cannot pronounce the TH sound have other weird speech patterns. What should I do to fix this? I went to speech class all the way to high school and it didn't work.


Well I can tell you what not to do, Vos: Ask the O&A sub for advice

Bite the tip of your tongue and breath out of your mouth.

If you suck 50 cocks you will be cured.

He's right (un)fortunately.

Or just another lisping faggot

No but I do think I have some mild tourette's. I can control it for the most part in public but whenever I'm alone and I start to think about embarrassing shit I've done I yell weird shit like "cunt nigger nigger cunt", "I want to fuck you in the butt" or "I'm a faggot" and it gets me off that track of thinking

Fuck I do that too

Take the dick out of your mouth, and if that doesn't work, your health insurance may cover going to a speech therapist for specialized one-on-one treatment.

Become a radio host.

It didn't stop Opie or Sam.

or Howard for that matter

Learn Chinese and be a Chinese person.


Slow down. You are probably talking to fast.

WEED.It's got the T H and C....See dat.

I have a cocksuckers lisp

Split your tongue just like people with pet crows did to help them speak

I went to speech class all the way to high school and it didn't work.

Anyone working in a public high school is likely to be shit; try going to a good speech pathologist.

Maybe put some lead in the back of your throat. Do it at high speed though.