Opie Finally Tells the TRUTH: Sherrod and Cuban will have to give it up...He's Done

20  2017-08-16 by ART-CORNEY


In a few weeks fewer and fewer returned calls then Hopefully he will fade away

I'd wager the calls are one way; in wailing desperation.

He thinks he's calling in favors from old friends but he's just reminding people of why they don't like him

He should. Fuck dude if i was him id just stfu and enjoy my money.

That's not what he said, sir.

Those are not the words of a guy taking very productive meetings. Sound like a 60 year old guy sitting on at least a portfolio of at least 10 million and a la.zy beach chair waiting

He really should just go enjoy his life, family and money. Eventually get around to fixing old fucked up relationships.

Yes Retire. He could be the King of Philly, Open F.H Rileys II and raise Bam's kids.

he's damn near a senior citizen, his fucked relationships are fucked

fixing old fucked up relationships.

Thought you were going to say "teeth".

I think his gold digger wife might beg to differ...

As well as the family court that will hear her divorce case. Ms. Hughes and her children are accustomed to a certain lifestyle.

Sounds like somebody with a little money in bank that has ran out of options next deeper depression then suicide

Opie is set for life but not the life he has been living. Also if hes so set for life why at the end did he have to stop paying some comics to appear on the show?

He does not have the type of money that he wants us to think he has.

I'm no Opie defender, but how the fuck do you know anything about his finances or how he's been living?

Im overthinking stupid shit for 2 minutes. You ever think about opies money and try to step back be like wheres this mug get all those dollas!!?

He said on one of his pop ups that he eventually asked his guys to take less because he couldn't afford paying them what he was and they were cool with it.

That's just him being a cheap fuck. I'm sure he has enough to lay around on the beach and afford a NY apartment.


FIFY Ope- " I will never work again "


I envy Opie's position.

He should empty his joint accounts, run away to some southern american country, get a foreign bride and start over