Jim Norton asks, "Why do Leftists wave Communist flags when they hate Russia?"

26  2017-08-15 by FlashVirus


Oof. It's sad when Sam is the smartest man in the room. Was he a hardcore drunk back in 1991 when the USSR fell?


Jim tries to appear smart then says stuff like that. If only Colin had been there.

I would bet they will never have Colin on for that reason

Hes adorable sometimes

To be fair, Sam only knows about it because of wrestling angles.

As in Kurt Angles?

Travis is actually the smartest man in the room. Nice try though, Sam.


Jesus christ


Maybe he meant waive.

Jim was twenty years sober in 1991.

While Sam was only 7.

Remember when people thought O&A (+J) were smart?

Well not me, because I can actually read.

No. I remember they were funny.

except O

I had to hear it to believe it. What an imbecile

Jim is a dolt.

Reminds me of the sweaty button push meme I saw with: "Communism has never worked" and "Communist China is behind North Korea"

Honestly, I don't think Jimmy knows what right or left means in terms of political ideology.

Reminder: This is the same rabid MMA and UFC fan who asked "What is an octagon?"

He probably can't comprehend that Right-wingers in Europe tend to be radical lefties in terms of economic policy or that the old USSR can't really be labeled as "left-wing" (whatever that really means anyhow).

I guess you're saying he thinks Russia is still communist?

For people who understand the history though, waving a communist flag should look about as bad as waving a Nazi flag. Nazis were probably more racist, but they killed far less people than the communists.

Nazis were our main enemy in WW2 so there's more hatred, and the Soviet Union was on the allied side. Antifa waving communist flags should be seen similarly to waving a Nazi flag though.