Gavin Mcinnes wants more waterheads walking around

2  2017-08-15 by FlashVirus


He's not wrong

He's definitely wrong. Aborting people with downs is the humane thing to do

But Gavin is one is of these new bleed heart conservative.

Yeah I was about to ask-- when did he become such a typical bitch Glenn Beck type? Always thought he was kinda an edgy Alt-Righter.

That market is shrinking, so he's trying to pivot. He'll always be a marketer above anything else.

Never took you for a supporter of eugenics

Maybe not eugenics in the strictest sense. I just can't take pro-life fruits like Gavin and Crowder seriously. Maybe if they wept half as much for the middle eastern kids killed by the american war machine as they do for a thing that isn't even a baby being scraped out of some broad's womb.

People die in war, it's unavoidable. Abortion on the other hand...

War being unavoidable(not all of them are) isn't an excuse for not giving a shit about dead kids.

A lot of these dead kids aren't even killed in "war". They're killed in drone strikes we had no business doing, in countries we aren't even at war with.

Abortions happen naturally too--miscarriages are unavoidable.

But Gavin is one is of these new bleed heart conservatives with retarded priorities.

We have a term for people that advocate for outcomes that make themselves feel all warm and fuzzy inside just by being a vocal supporter of them without having to do any of the leg work themselves theyre called progressives

He's right about the people who get up in arms about calling them retards though.

Hes wrong about that too(if you're going to moralize the issue)

Might at well not insult the tards that are forced to be here.

Edgy to characterize being born as being "forced to be here."

No. It's just a fact. You never gave anybody permission to make you, much less make you with downs.

To give consent you must exist.

It's actually a really interesting question. It's not easy being for or against either side. I think ultimately allowing the test that eventually will cause the abortion is the best. Having a kid with Downs Syndrome is such a huge toll on the parents. Most get divorced in the process I believe.

How dare you. It's a human life.

If that test existed when i was born i wouldn't be here today

Who cares

He's overlooking how easy they are to have sex with.

And the pennies rejoice

Reminds me i need to use Jimmys ringtone

He's right about one thing though. Call them retards and it's a controversy. Exterminate them through abortion, good public policy.

Don't get me wrong I'm all for exterminating those tards though.

First retards then fat chicks, I hope.

Who doesn't? They're like seahorses.

He wants more goons for his gangs.