Opie is all in with the #charlottesville

78  2017-08-15 by CoyoteeBongwater


I like this *blaze of glory prior to suicide" Opie. Management loves the direction of Gregg Hughes.

He is under Hughes management now. He is going places... not good places, but places.

Hopefully a swan-dive from his balcony :)

well there goes his next job

Desperate Opie needs attention. I replied to one of his tweets with "Save it for the show". He has no show though. That's why I said it, to be like mean and stuff.

I like it

Fuck me that's really funny... Oh i wish i wasn't banned from his twitter.

Maybe ill follow him on Youtube.

Wow you fuckin annihilated him

Maybe he meant Facebook Live at the deli.

Steven Wrong cue Jimmy laughter

Ooooh, now guys, let's be nice okay.

Opie basically scours r/showerthoughts for shit to tweet

Lance Friedman is good people

watch out, we've got a SHACKJACK over here.


Opie is trying to get into a fight with any celeb after Ant got into fight with Jon Stewart.

He should just make it up like Ant made up that story about getting into a fight with Stewart.

Honestly he probably really is trying to intentionally offend people hoping it will get some attention. Then in his fantasy a bunch of comics come to his defense for the sake of defending free speech. Then he will get to say to people that "it was a FAWKIN joke! Please leave funny to the funny people like me!" and so on.

Wait... did he just refer to the woman who got murdered as fat? That’s a bold way to get back on the air

Slow down Lena, we do not know if this was murder or a skitzo that was fearful for his life by his car being hit and a violent mob all around so he floored it. Plus he seen how violent the ANTIFA nazis were earlier in the day. Under Virginia law, if one is in a car and has reasonable fear of grave bodily harm, lethal force may be justified and there is no duty to retreat.

Either way she didn't attack his car. Hypothetically some antifa may have smashed his car and caused him to hit the gas. I doubt it but say there is 100% proof...she wasn't doing anything that caused for her to die. She is dead either way.

She was part of the mob. She was illegally in the street. She was a mudshark. This was the last thing she posted online..http://imgur.com/a/TDnWr

Holy shit, why isn't the media talking about this? Kind of changes my whole perspective on the incident.

Fuck both of you :(

God damn it.

The car was quite a distance away from the crowd when the guy decided to hit the gas.

Was she actually fat though? Is that not reason enough for her to be killed?

You are literally just as bad as the dumbest of SJWs. So much stupidity crammed in to one post. And you know damn well that if it was a leftist who drove their car through a crowd of people you wouldn't be trying to find ways to defend them. "IT WAS THE LIBTARDS FAULT! SO TYPICAL OF THEM!" The lack of even the tiniest bit of self awareness is truly astonishing, and honestly somewhat fascinating.

Save it for your dad's cock you little cuntface.

It truly is astonishing.

really truly

"Plus he seen..."

Suicide, my friend.

don't you just want to hear his "take"

Not even original. This is an old George Carlson bit.

Love George Carlson. He's almost as good as Bill Hickson.

I love me some old Sam Kini jokes too.

Damn auto correct

He was my favorite Beatle

I called it. Opie is aiming to pivot into an alt-right Rush Limbaugh type. There's big money in that. That tweet was actually pretty funny. He should be more vicious more often. I want to see Opie unhinged.

This screenshot may have been altered...

That's hilarious. Wish it was real

wtf i love Opie now

I'm pretty sure the incident didn't happen on a parkway or driveway.

Ol Bob's reply reads like a classic John and Jeff hot take.

"We're two guys who think that people who do bad things should face the appropriate charges in accordance with the law!"

Is there a storm front radio station?


"Dial 866 wow one whip em"


I so wanted this to be real, so both him and Ant could be reported/banned from Twitter.

He did not tweet that. I swear to god i refuse to believe it. Ughhhhhh. Holy shit. That is a scholastic book fair level joke. Holy Fuck.

Fuck, you guys really hate Opie

He's just trying to be anthony now.

"I would worry about getting a job." Line of the day.

I hate how Charlottesvilel's reputation is being ruined by all of this shit. It's one of the best places in America to live. I lived there for 5 years...

"For years, Charlottesville has been picking up the prizes. It's been named best town for food lovers by Wine Magazine; best college town in the country by Traveler's Today; the country's favourite mountain town by Travel & Leisure; and one of the happiest and healthiest places in the US by Business Insider. "It's a bastion of liberalism in the south,".... And now everybody thinks it's some Alt-right Nazi town.

He obviously did not make that up. Who did The Thing morph with to create that wonderful and thought provoking post?

really truly