[Images] that blow Joe Rogan's mind 4/50

8  2017-08-15 by TinKnockinMoroccan


Joe Rogan can't buy chicken bouilon cubes?

It's a tragedy.

If you guys are going to copy my bit, try and be more funny.

more funny than you? they succeeded!

That's a good tip. Thank you for the free tip!

thats so WEIIRDD! like we come from hunturr gathururrs and people actually had to face the elements and go out-any kind of weather- go out and hunt fuckin........ MAMMOTHS, these HUUUGE like, woolly elephant things-these things were killers- and fuckin throw spears at it till it died, skin it, cut the meat off, drag the meat back to your cave, hope you can get a fire started........... now? just go shopping-thats it, thats all it is now- just go shopping.. thats so WEIIRDD!!

And some people can even reach the 4th shelf

The foods just there man....ANYTHING you want. You just get into this big metal machine that's loud and burns gas and makes fire, and it takes you to this place of endless food....fuck....

That would blow his mind. Anything does he smokes so much doober.

Ahh I remember this. Joe was talking about all of the food in the center isles of the grocery store in pure puzzlement. Something about their preservatives and their long shelf life.

Rogan is pretty much a real life version of Wide eyed Jimmy. "Uh-Woooooww!!!"

Low Rogan

Joe Rogan is essentially Ralph Wiggum with too much testosterone